IIRC he voluntarily left the studio, no doubt under strong pressure too. The exact details don't really matter though as does the fact that he did leave the studio and probably would not have had he not made that bad judgment on Twitter. It looks like he did not lose out on his share of the game profit afterall in the end but only due to things changing after the fact of what was previously published. Valve pulled their game over it and most likely his departure from the studio as reported in the news and very careful conversations between the company with Valve putting out fires are what brought the game back. Had he stayed at the studio, that would have likely had a huge effect in making the game not show up there. Him exiting, the game coming back after the put the fires out with Valve and it becoming successful as a result, and the healing of time may have afforded him the extreme luxury of having an opportunity to come back to his job in the end, but he's lucky to have such an opportunity for a second chance after a career-ending-move like that honestly. He probably would have found it next to impossible to get a job anywhere else in the industry after a blunder like that really.
metricfun: I think alot of people have met / known impulsive big mouths, and know they are not all complete a-holes. They can be helpful in making decisions, getting ideas flowing, etc. They just need people to get them focused... and maybe not be the representative of their company on the web (or not be on social media at all).
Indeed. I'd fire someone like that and not look back personally. It's hard enough to make it in that industry as it is without ill tempered employees stoking the fires uncontrollably on social media. Their skills at helping a company aren't worth anything in the end if they can make a 10 second emotional blunder that causes the walls to cave in and years of work to fall apart. In the case of that game, someone was able to salvage the situation obviously but that isn't always going to be the case.
metricfun: As for the female doctor story, keep in mind that most of us do/say stupid things and the internet has only amplified that (it seems). Teens and kids have, probably and arguably, done it more than the older folks out there. At some point they won't be able to show someone's bad judgement without having their own shown back to them.
Difficult to recover from a bad reputation, but not impossible. There's worst things to do than having a big mouth. But there's consequences to having one.
Yup, the doctor really did need to face consequences for her actions, and while she got off on avoiding being charged, she didn't get off so easily in popular opinion and her reputation that's for sure. The harassment she and her family have faced since then online I would go as far as saying is disproportionately large compared to her actual "crime", and I say that without sticking up for her in any way. Sometimes people do deserve the consequences of the public eye for their actions, but sometimes the public can overdo it too and without any compassion and empathy with an overly-aggressive and blind lynch-mob mentality. Some people were telling her to kill herself or saying they'd rape her for example. Both of those reactions are not only overdoing it, but they're just as bad or worse than what she actually did. I wonder if the people who said those hurtful things would have their own jobs if their identities were widely reported in the news for making such comments. :)
The Internet can bring out the worst in people sometimes, and make it so easy for them to do in real time without any checks and balances and without any buffers, making each one of us have to be our own buffers and be on our best at all times. We aren't always on our best, but hopefully we are more often than not, and when not - hopefully we're not extremely overdoing it and ending up a viral Internet sensation being lynched around the world. :)