SCPM: Even if Deep Silver implements Denuvo, there is still a better chance of them publishing Shenmue III on GOG, because Denuvo can be removed after an initial launch window like with RiME and Inside. Other companies that could have potentially been involved, like Sony or Sega, would have meant a much smaller chance to see the game on GOG.
This will not change absolutely nothing. Sadly if this was some kind of standard, I would agree, but it is not, otherwise we should have already a pletora of games on GOG which did not came.
Also, I don't trust Deep Silver at all: Have you seen what they did with Agents of Mayhem? They put denuvo in a SINGLE PLAYER GAME; putting aside how they skipped a next saint row game for a mediocre third person action spin off, they did use denuvo even though they just brought here SRIV and IV gat out of hell. What does that mean? That they didn't care at all for GOG, but only to squeeze the little money they could from us here.
Also, it's not that every deep silver game was released here anyway.
Ogdin: Rime would Never been released here on GOG had a certain Bald Man not have cracked Denuvo protecting it within days. Best way to probably make sure that they release it DRM-free at some point is sending bitcoin to Bald Man as thats the only person actually removing Denuvo from games but I think people here don't realize how lucky we are a few groups have been able to crack Denuvo. The way things are shaping up a PC version won't be happening at all, or will be delayed a year after consoles get it.
This. The dev already stated that they would remove denuvo ONLY if the game was cracked, otherwise they would have left it in the game. Then a "certain cracker" crack the game (ONE DAY after the release), and surprise, the game hit on GOG too.
I'm not in favour of sending money to a cracker just to encourage the cracking process, but to think that some games are here thanks to the cracking scene is an undeniable fact.
Honestly, I prefer to have the game released on PC after 1-2 years than the console as long there is no denuvo, rather than having it coming on PC but infested with that cancerous drm/anti-tamper, which would force me to avoid it at all costs.