IDMooseMan: I have tried the "usual" way or Ctrl + "+", and Shift + Mouse Wheel, but neither of those worked.
drmike: May want to check again. Ctrl + works fine for me. I have to go up 4 or 5 times to read posts here on my bad days.
The darker gray with white text is what I used here. If you're not using that, may want to try it out. Those 2 dots at the top middle of the screen, right under the menubar, change the CSS.
But yes, this is (yet another) unfriendly website for those of us with vision issues. Not as bad as some though.
Having said that, I would like to point out that the w3, the folks who govern the net, are currently working on their 3rd draft of accessibility guidelines. Since, from what I read, none of those folks are vision concerned like us, feel free to drop by and put in your input.
Their website on accessibility - And I can;t find the current draft. Was just looking at it a few days ago. Give me a sec....
edit: Found it:
Issues and comments go here - reedit: As to the search function, do note there's 2 of them up there. The one in the menu bar is for the game side only. There's one at the top of the forums on the right as well. The problem though is that search is geared for whatever you;re looking at at the time. If you;re in a thread, it searches the thread. If you in a game specific forum, it searches that. If you;re at the community page, it searches the forums. I gave up on it while back and just use google. This link should cover the forums: Hope this helps
Thank you, also, for your quick response and helpful information. I am using the darker color scheme. As I type this reply, the text is ight-gray, and the background is dark-gray. Very difficult to see.
Yes, I am using Galaxy to access the forums. I will have to try it via a browser. I was not sure that was an option; I am a confirmed noob here. I tried the different search boxes at the top and neither produced useful results. When I clicked on the button, nothing happened. I did this several times, and finally gave up on using the search.
I appreciate you for providing those links. I will check the information they contain.
IDMooseMan: bhrigu,
Thank you for the quick response and the helpful information. I will try accessing via browser.
bhrigu: Regarding the "not yet available" problem in Library, in my experience that has happened a couple of time because of apparent connection problems, Try accessing a few different pages and that message should go away. However, your problem may be different. Try searching the forum. And if your problem persists you may want to contact the support.
i tried accessing multiple pages to see if the message would go away. I also closed Galaxy and reopened, hoping that would clear the problem. It did not. I downloaded multiple games during that session, and the message remains. The message is still visible, as of this morning.
I am still trying to learn my way around this site, and will have to see if I can locate the "Contact Support", or similar, button.
Thank you, both, again. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.