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Do you enjoy the incredible storytelling of Telltale? We have some great news then – The Expanse: A Telltale Series Deluxe Edition is now available on GOG!

Explore Telltale's latest release – step into the shoes of Camina Drummer as you navigate the perilous reaches of the Belt aboard the Artemis. From salvaging wrecked ships in zero gravity to navigating through mutinies and battling ruthless pirates, every decision you make shapes Camina Drummer's determination.

This Edition includes completed versions of the 5 main episodes of the game and the Archangel DLC.

Additionally, tune in for a stream of The Expanse on our Twitch channel, with Dizzy_plays – on Thursday, February 16th, 2AM UTC!

Now on GOG!
Post edited February 10, 2024 by Piranka
avatar Release: The Expanse: A Telltale Series
I absolutely love "The Expanse" (at least the TV series and the books).

However: considering the current state of the store, I don't feel inclined to use any payment services here, right now.
Wow nice! Loved the TV series, need to investigate more about this game.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by Keihltrein
Yes! Finally here!
Cool! I had my eyes on this for a while. Will definitely pick it up here eventually. Thx for releasing it on GOG.
Dang, wish I'd known this would come here!
Price seems a little, expansive.....badump bump tsh!
Finally, TellTale is back! <3
The show is the best thing to happen in TV sci-fi since Babylon 5, so I'm very happy to see the game here. That said, I kinda wish it wasn't about Drummer, she's not exactly my favorite character. If it was about Ashford, and had the always superb David Strathairn reprising the role, it would go straight to the top of my wishlist.

I still want to play it or course, it's not like I dislike Drummer, I'm just not as hyped for it as I could have been, and I'll gladly wait for a sale.
Nice to see it here.
Thank you!
Good but blink-of-an-eye short sequences of space autocannons getting hot. Nice!
high rated
sergeant_citrus: Dang, wish I'd known this would come here!
Watch this thread - there was some forewarning, albeit a short while ago.

Breja: That said, I kinda wish it wasn't about Drummer, she's not exactly my favorite character.
Blow this man out of an airlock right now! :P
Post edited February 09, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
Very good!

But too bad i already bought it on Steam...

I really liked the game and it narration and pace that sometimes explode in actionsequences that take you out if you can not overcome your surprise immediately and act with all haste responding the right way as displayed on screen for a limited amount of time.

In the end i wished for more of it!

Compared to steam there is a 6th chapter missing it seems:

Episode 1: Archer's Paradox
Episode 2: Hunting Grounds
Episode 3: First Ones
Episode 4: Impossible Objects
Episode 5: Europa's Folly
>>>Bonus Episode: Archangel<<<

The 6th episode is not about Drummer but Avasarala making decisions based on gossip and reports of several sources.

If the price is right is entirely up to you - i got it on a steam sale and was very happy in the end.

An Expanse RPG would be sooooo glorious!
Post edited February 10, 2024 by Thorqemada
WinterSnowfall: Blow this man out of an airlock right now! :P
You got it, bosmang!

*throws Breja out*
KetobaK: Finally, TellTale is back! <3
Telltale is dead - they wiill never be back. This is another company using their old name.
Post edited February 09, 2024 by MarkoH01