Mr.Mumbles: Because they already unsuccessfully tried to crowdfund just that. Also, there's a huge difference in budgetary needs between remaking a game that's all laid out already (afaik, most of the original audio is reused) and starting a new one from scratch.
Oh, I didn't know about that crowdfunding campaign. That's sad, then. I probably would've backed it if I had heard about it. It's tough to get the PR and traction to make campaigns like that work, I definitely think Outcast would have had a big enough following to make it work, if the word had spread better.
I'm sure reusing assets makes some difference in budget. But then I also assume that re-doing all the textures, 3D models, etc. is still very expensive even if the originals can be used as a foundation.
It's not simple, I agree with you. Especially considering, if you don't invest enough in the right people for the new content (stories, characters, …) your sequel is going to piss off more players than it will please.
It's just that the production values seemed relatively high to my untrained eye, and my gut reaction was, I'd rather have a proper "Outcast 2" even if it was closer to the tech of the original, than playing the same game again in prettier.
HereForTheBeer: It would make sense to do a remake of a long-ago title like this one, if a company were planning a sequel. That would re-prime the pump for the sequel, and would also let them test out the new game engine for bugs and such without having to dump resources at the same time into creating the story.
Now that
is a positive way of looking at things =) maybe they'll give that kickstarter another go after the remake?
Klumpen0815: It even uses Unity and they didn't compile it for Linux?
Great, I especially love when that happens, which is quite often.
From what I know, cross-platform is still a lot of work, even when using a multi-target engine like Unity, and even if all the targetted platforms are desktop operating systems. You need to keep your intended target platforms in mind all through development, because not everything works everywhere, or everywhere the same. Even as a 100% Windows user I would still appreciate if they also released it for other platforms. It's a valid approach to focus on getting one platform right before handling the others, though, so fingers crossed.