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Journey into psychosis.

<span class="bold">Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice</span>, a narrative adventure into a shattered mind, is now available, DRM-free, on

From Ninja Theory, the creators of DmC: Devil May Cry, Heavenly Sword, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, comes the haunting tale of Senua, a celtic warrior struggling with trauma and psychosis. Exploring the challenges of delivering an AAA experience using independent means, the visionary studio is set to deliver a captivating narrative of stunning beauty.

Watch the trailer.

To learn more about Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice see our pre-release review roundup , catch up on Q&amp;As with the devs, and learn more about the unique way Hellblade is being created in these dev diaries.
Post edited August 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
Jacob_1994: Downloading it now
This :)
CharlesGrey: I'm curious about the term "independent AAA production"... What does that even mean?
Here's a video from GDC about exactly that.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by RoseLegion
timmy010: Size is an indication of how much content there is. 30gb requirement, 13gb size

Little nightmares was similar 10gb requirement, 2.5 gb size. It appears these arent game sizes but installer + game. Looks like little content in the games. Tomb raider 2013 was 13gb and i expect this game to have higher textures, so fewer gameplay. I had high hopes for this but im liking this less and less
Ninja Theory never hid that Hellblade is half the price of a AAA game because it's also half the size of one, so people shouldn't get it expecting a full-length action-adventure.

I've been on the fence regarding this game for a while, as I highly dislike the setting and the art direction, and the combat always felt too "Dark Souls" from the moment I saw some combat gameplay videos. The only things that interest me are the facts I trust Ninja Theory's history with their other games, and the whole psychosis approach.

Also, as much as I'm tired of the whole Iron Age setting, at least this time we're killing Vikings, so kudos to Ninja Theory for that.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by groze
timmy010: Size is an indication of how much content there is. 30gb requirement, 13gb size

Little nightmares was similar 10gb requirement, 2.5 gb size. It appears these arent game sizes but installer + game. Looks like little content in the games. Tomb raider 2013 was 13gb and i expect this game to have higher textures, so fewer gameplay. I had high hopes for this but im liking this less and less
groze: Ninja Theory never hid that Hellblade is half the price of a AAA game because it's also half the size of one, so people shouldn't get it expecting a full-length action-adventure.

I've been on the fence regarding this game for a while, as I highly dislike the setting and the art direction, and the combat always felt too "Dark Souls" from the moment I saw some combat gameplay videos. The only things that interest me are the facts I trust Ninja Theory's history with their other games, and the whole psychosis approach.

Also, as much as I'm tired of the whole Iron Age setting, at least this time we're killing Vikings, so kudos to Ninja Theory for that.
The price does not reflect half a game. And besides, thats no excuse. Were only making half a game?! I want a full experience
Will "AAA quality indie game" be a new genre or just replace the old "narrative-driven" in game descriptions?
timmy010: The price does not reflect half a game. And besides, thats no excuse. Were only making half a game?! I want a full experience
Well, it reflects half a *AAA* game... which usually go for $60~. Hellblade is being sold for half of that, so, half the price of a AAA title.

I haven't played it (and probably won't), so I can't talk much. My advice would be to wait for someone who's actually played it to tell us how "finished" the game and the story feel; I mean, they were aiming for a 6-8 hour game, that's still a somewhat decent length for an action-adventure, I guess...

Plus, Tameem Antoniades told Game Informer that «What I hope it is… I hope it feels like there’s no filler in it; that it feels like it’s a good, worthwhile experience that will stay with you and it doesn’t feel like it’s padded out. Because I think that’s one of the things I feel [is] frustrating about triple A games is this idea that you have to justify the price point and so you’re encouraged to fill out the game with stuff that – if you wanted the pace you wanted it to be at – you probably wouldn’t put it in there. (...) I don’t think we’ve fallen too much into that trap in the past, hence our games have traditionally been a bit shorter maybe… but yeah», which might mean Hellblade is shorter than a AAA game because they're basically leaving out padding and filler and focusing on "what matters" (whatever that may be).

I'm worried about the game's length (or lack thereof), too, but let's wait and see, maybe they pulled just the right size for the game?
xKeiro: What it means is that they tried to come up with methods of creating AAA quality art/animations etc. on a much lower budget. Hellblade was basically an experiment to come up with a workflow that they will be able to use for future games, and judging by what they said I think they want to share their experience with other developers so we may see more AAA quality indie games.

You can check out the dev diaries if you are interested, here's one that shows perfectly the experimenting:
AAA games are not defined purely by graphics quality, though. When you play games like GTA or Witcher 3, you quickly realize that certain aspects of those games, such as the sheer size and amount of content, wouldn't be possible without huge production budgets and dev teams. Small Indie games such as "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" arguably have the same level of visual quality, but I don't think anyone uses the term AAA for such games. Seems like a stretch, if we start calling any release with great/realistic 3D graphics a triple A game.
groze: I've been on the fence regarding this game for a while, as I highly dislike the setting and the art direction, and the combat always felt too "Dark Souls" from the moment I saw some combat gameplay videos.
If only. What I've seen of the gameplay ( and I admit, I haven't seen much ), seems much more minimalistic and shallow, compared to the combat of the Souls series. I could be wrong, but I get the impression they're primarily focusing on storytelling and atmosphere. So it's probably closer to a Telltale style game, just with fancier visuals. Nothing wrong with that per se, but I suspect it's probably quite linear and without much replay value.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by CharlesGrey
Picard85: The most bizarre thing about this game is I still have no idea what genre it is, what the gameplay is like. Is it a puzzle/adventure, 3rd person hack & slash, a dark walking simulator... The store descriptions both here and on Steam are devoid of any reasonable description or feature list. It's like, hey this game is so weird and creepy and awesome, buy it. :?
Exactly. It does not inspire confidence how at no point was any sensible description provided. It's as if somone convinced the devs and GOG that "psychosis" is enough of a buzzword to sell anything.

CharlesGrey: AAA games are not defined purely by graphics quality, though. When you play games like GTA or Witcher 3, you quickly realize that certain aspects of those games, such as the sheer size and amount of content, wouldn't be possible without huge production budgets and dev teams.
What about shooters like the endless Call of Duty sequels or Homefront? The "sheer size and amount of content" there is a linear, 4-5 hour long campaing and we still call them AAA.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by Breja
timmy010: The price does not reflect half a game. And besides, thats no excuse. Were only making half a game?! I want a full experience
You can't have full experience by playing a game, you have to create one, that's the only proper full one.


Any chance for some dev passing info if they did evaluate linux version, and what's the chance?
Post edited August 08, 2017 by ped7g
ACG Review

(There was also a praising JIm Sterling review that got a 1/10 because of a nasty bug due to the game autosave that prevented him from finishing the game. The review was removed, though)

All in all, I'm pretty interested in it now. Seems pretty unique. And I dig the less combat heavy nature of the game. And the game is not that short to me (6-8+ hours maybe)
Post edited August 08, 2017 by rgnrk
CharlesGrey: I'm curious about the term "independent AAA production"... What does that even mean? Generally triple A implies they had a huge-ass production budget -- but if that is the case, where did the funding come from, if not from a traditional publishing company?
Raised an eyebrow at that too. But then again, my definition of an AAA title was A-class game by A-class developer and with A-class publisher, so it'd be absolutely impossible to have an independent AAA title, that 3rd A can't be there, period.
But that's not a bad thing, considering how much of an issue I take with big publishers. So rather a bad thing that they market it as such really.

groze: Plus, Tameem Antoniades told Game Informer that [...] "I think that’s one of the things I feel [is] frustrating about triple A games is this idea that you have to justify the price point and so you’re encouraged to fill out the game with stuff that – if you wanted the pace you wanted it to be at – you probably wouldn’t put it in there."
To make a truly good game, you'd put all that stuff to justify the price and not make it be filler. But either way I don't find full prices justified for basically any game for a long time now. Gone are the days of games aiming for the 100-hour mark and releasing at $50 or less full price, golden age of RPGs and all, but that will remain what I judge all others by in terms of content, $1/hour minimum, <$0.5/hour for a slow, completitionist approach.
(But then again, my "hill to die on" pricing gripe is regional pricing of course, and this one also falls foul of the prices above base crime of course, fully in the 1 EUR = 1 USD sense, and as is the norm recently also applying the hiked up Euro price to non-Eurozone and even a couple of non-EU countries. No damn way just for that alone.)

About this game in itself, seems interesting in the sense of what it attempts to do and portray, not so much as a game in itself, and I'd say that'd be what it should be judged for most. Guess that's what the devs are hoping for as well. A lot of hype was built up though, and can fall from up high if it doesn't meet those high expectations though. So let's see.
Personally, seems like something I'd be interested in watching a good (no-commentary!) let's play of. That's about the extent of the interest.
tremere110: That a weird release time.
Midnight Eastern US time? Doesn't seem particularly weird, if they picked US as primary market but made sure the release was at the same time everywhere.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by Cavalary
rgnrk: ACG Review

(There was also a praising JIm Sterling review that got a 1/10 because of a nasty bug due to the game autosave that prevented him from finishing the game. The review was removed, though)

All in all, I'm pretty interested in it now. Seems pretty unique. And I dig the less combat heavy nature of the game. And the game is not that short to me (6-8+ hours maybe)
I've seen the video, and I'll wait until they have fixed this. One saveslot is just a shitty move by the developer. If it saves in a moment you are about to die automatically it's even shittier.
Oh Jim Sterling took the video down?
It was quite apparent he liked the game and gave that low score exactly becaus ehe liked it until then and this diappointed him.
It shows how stupid the recent trend of many games of offering only 1 save and no control over it to player is stupid.
Is it really that hard to have more saves?

There are also these tweets from TB:
Post edited August 08, 2017 by Vitek
Vitek: Oh Jim Sterling took the video down?
It was quite apparent he liked the game and gave that low score exactly becaus ehe liked it until then and this diappointed him.
It shows how stupid the recent trend of many games of offering only 1 save and no control over it to player is stupid.
Is it really that hard to have more saves?

There are also these tweets from TB:
People still care about what TotalBiscuit has to say about videogames? The dude is just an elitist snob twat who seems to think he's the target audience for *every* game. Clearly, he's not. No one is.

I'm not the target audience for Hellblade, either (I'm sick of Iron Age/Viking stuff), but that doesn't mean I have to crap on the game just because it isn't for me. Deus Ex isn't for me but the fact it is a great game is undeniable. Plus, poor old douche John Bain ends up contradicting himself by saying the game has no gameplay whatsoever and then ranting about the "permadeath"/one save delete if you die too many times. If there's no gameplay, how is he even getting killed that many times? Also, that other dude whose video review was posted previously says in the comments -- and rightfully so -- that the game isn't *that* hard and a player shouldn't have any problems not dying all that much. He also adds that if you are dying a lot in Senua's Sacrifice, you're better off playing chess. It's maybe too harsh of an opinion, maybe one that falls in line with the "git gud" mentality that I'm not too fond of, but one that makes sense, nonetheless. I don't play Dark Souls because it's not for me. I don't play cRPGs because they're not for me. That fact doesn't entitle me to say all of those games are crap just because I dislike them or because I'm bad at them. Because, well, let's face it, if Mr. Bain is dying all that much on Hellblade, he's probably pretty bad at the game and should move on to something more aimed at him, maybe talk about what's good and bad about those games, instead of talking about a game he clearly isn't the target audience of.

As for Hellblade, I want to thank rgnrk for linking that ACG review. Short but informative, it clarified a lot of things for me and *should* clarify a lot of stuff for those on the fence -- or those who still don't even know what the game is about or how it plays (though comparing it to a TellTale interactive novel always seemed a bit extreme, to me, there have been dev video diaries and gameplay videos out there for a while, come on). I'm still not sold on it, but at least I now can see this game under a more positive light. It does seem to have a lot of things I thoroughly enjoyed -- and I'm glad the combat isn't as slow, "tactical" and boring as it looked like in the 10 minute IGN gameplay video GOG linked --, but, sadly, I can't take much more media set in "cool gritty" Iron Ages.

Best of luck to Ninja Theory, though, I hope your game does well enough, despite the usual shit the "Cynical Brit" talks about every game and Jim Sterling having found one bug. Here's to hoping that most of the people actually make their own minds about the game instead of just listening to the popular contrarian "YouTubers".
Oh, I remember now. That's why I haven't visited GOG general forums in months.
Post edited August 08, 2017 by Vitek
Vitek: Oh Jim Sterling took the video down?
It was quite apparent he liked the game and gave that low score exactly becaus ehe liked it until then and this diappointed him.
Yes, he probably took it off because the bug only happened to him, and it was apparently triggered by him missing a torch. So at least it's not random and could be avoidable.

Vitek: It shows how stupid the recent trend of many games of offering only 1 save and no control over it to player is stupid.
Is it really that hard to have more saves?
It's the way of today of doing hardcore/difficult games. The way of the Dark Souls. I rather be able to save the game myself when I want to, but WE ALL know it's more immersive and scary and hardcore and true gamer only having one. Dark Souls fans say so.

Vitek: There are also these tweets from TB:
ACG mentions the performance issues too, but on everything else...he is TB. He doesn't like puzzles nor story. So I wouln't have expected otherwise. I listened to his opinions and podcast in the past, but I find it increasingly harder to do nowadays. His self absorved persona has skyrocketed, or at least that's how it seems to me.