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high rated
Creo1: --
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. After looking into it further, it became clear it’s a case of an unfortunate misunderstanding on the part of our Customer Support Rep – the technical issues with the game weren’t considered during the refund process, most likely due to the fact two tickets about the same inquiry have been made and only one was looked into at first (my recommendation for the future is to avoid opening more than one ticket about the same request and giving as much info as possible after you submitted your request).
Rest assured your cash refund request will be approved as soon as our Support gets back to you.

We’ve tried to make our voluntary refund policy as customer-friendly as possible, however we do err on the side of caution when considering the individual refund requests in an attempt to prevent any potential abuse. This case in particular should not have been considered as such, for what we sincerely apologize.
SmollestLight: Thanks for bringing this to our attention. After looking into it further, it became clear it’s a case of an unfortunate misunderstanding on the part of our Customer Support Rep – the technical issues with the game weren’t considered during the refund process, most likely due to the fact two tickets about the same inquiry have been made and only one was looked into at first (my recommendation for the future is to avoid opening more than one ticket about the same request and giving as much info as possible after you submitted your request).
Rest assured your cash refund request will be approved as soon as our Support gets back to you.

We’ve tried to make our voluntary refund policy as customer-friendly as possible, however we do err on the side of caution when considering the individual refund requests in an attempt to prevent any potential abuse. This case in particular should not have been considered as such, for what we sincerely apologize.
Creo1: Thank you, I am truly glad this has been handled. I did not intend to open two tickets, I know that's the worst possible way to handle things, my internet has been acting up and may have resubmitted, just want to make that clear.
It sometimes happens that someone accidentally opens a ticket, or just to make sure :) I am happy we were able to clear the situation up for you!

Breja: The reputation/voting system is completely borked, easily and commonly abused by trolls. There have beend entire threads where every single post has been downvoted. Best to just ignore it. After all, that's what GOG is doing.
paladin181: Except when they decide to punish people for rep manipulation. Except they can't track it. Until they can, and ban someone for it.
As we mentioned in this thread, we don't ban people for rep abuse. We can't track reputation, and that's why we simply ask users to use it in justified cases in our Code of Conduct.

As people are now derailing the thread with another topic and since we managed to help OP, I will be closing this it now :)