Posted October 20, 2015
Rules for posting in this thread:
1. Only one sentence per post and no consecutive posts from the same poster.
2. Every sentence has to start with the words, "I wish I had a dime for..."
3. Every sentence has to end with what you wish you had a dime for (preferably game-related stuff, but everything is allowed).
4. Always return here when you catch yourself saying/thinking, "I wish I had a dime for..."
Here we go:
I wish I had a dime for every game review that starts with, "I really wanted to like this game...".
1. Only one sentence per post and no consecutive posts from the same poster.
2. Every sentence has to start with the words, "I wish I had a dime for..."
3. Every sentence has to end with what you wish you had a dime for (preferably game-related stuff, but everything is allowed).
4. Always return here when you catch yourself saying/thinking, "I wish I had a dime for..."
Here we go:
I wish I had a dime for every game review that starts with, "I really wanted to like this game...".