Last game finished in this decade:
+ very good presentation:
awesome pixel art
great music and sounds
genuine 80's atmosphere
nice melancholic cinematics/cutscenes
decent writing
good voice-acting by Maya Tuttle
+/- There's some confusion about the main character's gender, due to the female voice for the male looking character, despite all efforts to make it sound neutral (it's kind of strained). It's probably intentionally to be as inclusive as possible, and I wouldn't have a problem with a game about a lesbian or transgender gamer, but it's kind of weird that while this is so blatantly confusing, the game never addresses it (although it felt like the elephant in the room to me). If the intention was to make even supposedly open gamers question their preconception about gender, I guess they succeeded, to an extent, but what does it have to do with the 80's arcade escapism plot? The game gives no answer to that. Instead of making the experience relatable for everyone, I thought it somewhat distracted from the universal aspects of the story. But YMMV.
+/- The game is very short; five different arcade game sections, connected by longer cutscenes; took me around 2 hours to complete, and only because a lot of that time was spent on repeating parts that I struggled with (mostly the fourth game "Shadowplay", which has 5 stages you need to complete in one session).
- The arcade games sections are obstacles to overcome in order to advance the story, and stylistically they're pretty cool, but the gameplay is a bit simple and the controls kind of sub-par at times. These mini-games were alright (except for the last one, which was boring), but I didn't think they were that much fun to play on their own.
- The story just ends "to be continued ...", it had its moments but ultimately it's unfinished and unsatisfying (there are also some loose threads, like a girl the kid admits to admire but which is never mentioned again afterwards).
- No settings/options menu, no way to reconfigure keys (don't know about gamepad support, if there is any)
- No saving on quitting the game; just 'bookmarks' for each of the minigames you've unlocked. You have unlimited Continues - if you die, depending on the game, you just respawn where you fell (which feels a bit cheap) or you have to repeat the level or the section after the last checkpoint (which can be a little annoying, when the checkpoints are far apart), but if you quit the game, you have to start the last arcade game section from scratch (the thought of which is most scary for "Shadowplay"). I guess it's fitting for a game about arcades, but personally I did not like it much.
- No replaying the cutscenes from the menu, only option is to replay the mini-games (minor complaint compared to the others).
All in all, this game confirmed three of my preconceptions:
1. Pixel art is awesome and it was worth saving it into the new millenium.
2. Arcade gameplay without today's conveniences and which mostly requires you to memorize the level layout and repeat until you manage an (almost) perfect run definitely is not. I really don't miss it. But YMMV.
3. Episodic releases are kind of disappointing.
Post edited January 01, 2020 by Leroux