The Curious Expedition A gift from DampSquib, thanks again! First and foremost - the game is a masterpiece. I can’t remember any game I recently played that got me hooked as much as this one. So yeah, I can wholeheartedly recommend it right from the beginning of my review. Please note that I mostly played on hard so my description applies to this difficulty settings (there are major differences in the gameplay, depending on the difficulty).
So what’s the game about? Well, obviously it’s about expeditions! At the beginning you pick a leader of you trek, each starting with some companions, items and perks. I would dare to say that your choice is not that important - it’s your own skills and knowledge is the most important, if you become an expert you should do fine with any character. However, at the beginning when you don’t know much about the game picking some of them turns the game to be a bit more forgiving (pro tip: a hunting dog is a killing machine)
Your task is to organize six expeditions, find a golden pyramid in each of them and get back to your ship. During your journey you’ll find special places like teleports, traders, villages, ruins, caves and many more. It’s advisable to at least check these places but you should be very careful about making decisions. For example you can find a few berries in front of a statue which were left there as an offering. Sure, you can take them and use to boost morale but your relation with natives will suffer because of this action. Is it worth it? That’s up to you to decide. Stealing valuable items from an altar usually ends up with a some sort of catastrophe but in this case the question is different: can you afford NOT stealing them? Why, you may ask? Well, you are not out in the wilderness without a purpose! Your task is to gain as much fame as possible and beat your opponents who wants to become the most famous explorer as well. Collecting artifacts it’s a very important part of gaining fame - after coming back from an expedition you can donate them to the museum and gain fame. Alternatively, you can sell them and use money to buy equipment/upgrade animals for your next expedition. Once again - the choice is yours but be careful what you are doing. Each successful expedition will also give you some fame. More, if you managed to be faster than your opponents so once again you’ll have difficult choice to make: should you rather rush to a pyramid and back to the ship (gaining more fame for being fast) or should you explore more (finding more artifacts but also facing a lot of dangers). There is no easy way to determine which strategy is better…
A very important mechanics in the game is a sanity meter. When you move around the map your sanity decreases. When it drops to zero there is a good chance that some of your companions will go crazy. Unpleasant things will happen then, for example one of your companions may decide to eat… another companion. The funny thing is that when I had a nun in my trek it seemed that she was always first to be eaten. Apparently nuns are very tasty ;) Anyway, as you may imagine there are ways to replenish your sanity by resting, eating/drinking and a some more activities so you should be well prepared for your journey. The important thing to remember is that if you plan to move a long distance at once you will lose less sanity then making the same distance step by step! At the beginning it seemed weird but after some time I started to appreciate it. Remember, it’s not a meter of you tiredness but sanity! Stopping every kilometer and discussing where to go next would drive me nuts too so this mechanics is actually well implemented!
During your journey you may also encounter aggressive animals, beasts and people and then a dice-based combat is initiated. It takes some time to understand how things work here but after some time I started to like it as well. However I still think that a dog dealing more damage than a gun is plain weird. The funny thing is that you can actually headbutt a raptor! Can you think of any other game that allows you to do so? ;) Later expeditions become more and more dangerous so be prepared! In theory you can flee but you’ll lose some of your equipment, member and sanity so that should be your last option.
I’ve already written a lot but trust me - it’s a tip of an iceberg. The game is complicated and there are so many things to discover that even writing several pages wouldn’t cover everything I learned about it. And of course the best part is to discover them by yourself so my general comments are spoiler-free and should only encourage you to check out the game.
In the end I mention how much time it took me to decide that I’m done with the game (only for some time!). At first I decided that I would consider the game to be finished after beating it on hard difficulty. After I did so I was still craving for more so I decided to unlock every character. After that I thought about beating the game on hard difficulty with every possible character. But it was still not enough so I decided that I would declare the game to be completed after beating the game three times in a row (still on hard). And yeah, now I do believe I’ve completed the game. After beating it… seven times in a row on hard difficulty. Trust me, I had a real blast!
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