Far Cry 5 My first Far Cry game ever, actually. I own them all, but I was quite turned off by Far Cry 1 back in the day. Caved in after seeing so many crazy moments on youtube, and didn't regret it.
Visually, it's stunning. Really. I really felt I was there and the landscape is absolutely beautiful and quite varied.
Storywise, it is what is it. I like it, but was somewhat irked with the mandatory "minibosses" sections, which could happen out of nowhere. I mean, you kill heaps of sect members, you're with your sidekicks and then, out of the blue, the mini boss kidnapp you... Whatever.
Is it crazy? Yes, but anything can happen anytime, and it doesn't make sense at all, like sect members and resistance members fight and then, out of the blue, a grizzly bear comes and mauls everyone! I understand it could be a huge turn-off for some people, but the whackyness was welcome for me, as it made the theme a bit lighter.
Not so many different weapons, but that wasn't a problem for me. Sidekicks were also varied and quite interesting, there's a lot of things to do apart from the missions, like hunting, fishing and seeking the collectibles.
So, yeah, a huge hit for me. And now, I want to play 3, 4, Primal and New dawn!! But I also have to try the DLCs of 5, like Vietnam, on Mars and Zombies. They seem to be quite short, so I'll likely go through them first to call Far Cry 5 over.
So far in 2019 :