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Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
EyPoochRaven: Consider adding an option in my GOG account that automatically deletes cloud saves older than, say, 3, 6 or 12 months. I really have no use for old saves, neither do you, and it would help reduce storage requirements.

I would definitely enable such an option, and I imagine others would too.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the feedback! I'll forward it to the Team :)