macuahuitlgog: When will Germans vote out those censorship Nazis that want to ban every fucking PC game and console game that has a little bit of violence in it? For people who are progressive when it comes to most things, they are not very progressive when it comes to PC games and console games.
1. Tossing around the word "Nazi" around so liberally in the midst of a political discussion among Germans who take the threat of National Socialism VERY seriously is hardly going to net you kind responses.
2. There has been some pretty strong reform of censorship in Germany over the past 15 years or so, almost all of it for the better. The reform of the Youth Protection Act in 2002 requires USK certification for games to be sold on the open market (or else they're treated as being rated 18), but banned blacklisting ("indexing") of games that already had USK certificates under the new system. The BPjM (the body responsible for this "blacklisting") has become notably more liberal over the years to the point where very few games get blacklisted or censored nowadays.
3. Your comment coming from a country where even the slightest hint of sexuality gets the ESRB and moral guardians in a stir.
Mnemon: Fair enough - but the AfD categorically isn't that organised. They don't even have internally finalised their policies. To a large part because they used to be a neo-liberal party, mainly, to the right of the FDP - vowing to quit the Euro. the AfD today is a quite different far further right party; with completely different people steering it, among internal disagreement. That Frauke Petry just stepped down really is an extension of that. She'd tried to keep it on a more moderate course, tried to exclude extreme members from the party, but lost that battle to the more nationalistic / fascist wing. There's no coherent plan that has come out of that internal struggle.
You can more or less split the AfD down to the "western" faction and "eastern" faction. The western faction are essentially (mostly) what you would term "nationalist" - not Nazi, but still rather unpleasant. The eastern factions on the other hand tend to be overtly Neonazi in their character. As you say, Frauke Petry represented the "moderate" wing, if you want to call it that, while Gauland and von Storch essentially represent the extremist elements of the party.