T.Hodd: I must be missing something, because I'm pretty sure Microsoft
stopped giving free copies to everyone. If I wanted to 'upgrade', I'd have to pay.
Unless this happened ages ago and the forums are glitching & saying this was posted yeseterday.
Considering they wanted everyone to upgrade and if you had a pirated copy of windows you could get a legit version of 10...
And then the 'free copies' were still available but they weren't pushing the
malware based updates to force/trick you into upgrading...
No, Microsoft is moving towards '
Windows as a service' so you have less control of it than before, with the inclusion of
Solitaire with ads, unless you pay to remove the ads...
Actually with as much as Windows 10 spies on you
It's full blown malware at this point. And don't worry if you turn stuff off, windows will happily ignore your settings at a later date and turn them back on... Especially after forced updates...
Hmmm reminds me, anyone remember the Xbox One Controversy? Where if the Xbox wasn't connected to a constant 24/7 internet that games that couldn't verify their authenticity would lock down after 48 hours? I feel this is likely going to be a very similar story (
if it isn't already) with windows 10...
But i'm totally cynical of Microsoft and wouldn't push anything past them.