Gothfather: So I am curious why no man's sky is priced at $66.49 CND (Canadian Dollars) on steam but $75.49 CND on GoG? That is a 13.54% difference in price and no where near a reasonable margin of error due to exchange rate fluctuations.
Stardew valley priced at 18.99 CND on GOG and $16.99 CND on steam.
Banner saga 2 $25.19CND gog and $21.99 CND on steam
Yet when you look up the price of no man's sky in US funds both steam and GoG have the game listed as $59.99 and Stardew Valley is listed as $14.99 on both. Banner saga is listed as on both at $19.99 usd.
I am not expecting that Canadian pricing be equal to US pricing but I do expect price matching by GOG. Why am I spending between 10 to 15% more for a game title on GoG than on steam in Canadian funds but the game is priced the exact same in US funds?
You talk about fair regional pricing but doesn't seem fair if your region happens to be Canada.
What gives?
If you want Canadian customers to continue to support GoG shouldn't you at least match steam's pricing in Canadian funds? Why pay more money for the same product especially when you price match in US currency?
Looks like it's gotten a lot better lately.
I checked all the games you mentioned, all have been lowered to match steams CAD price. Checked a few more myself, and all also the same as Steam.
For games not on steam, they seem to have given a far better dynamic FX rate too, EG: Heroes 3 complete: $10 usd = 10.59 at today's interbank rate, $10.29 on gog.
I checked most of the games mentioned in this thread too, all same except the last mentioned: DYING LIGHT ENHANCED EDITION.. But to be fair, they are giving canadians a mega deal by only charging a 1:1 rate (It's $60, or $60 cad on steam). When in reality the US dollar is worth %36 more today.
Keep on mind on Steam publishers can set whatever regional pricing they want. So that's not steam doing that to be nice to canadians, that's the publisher. (almost every other $60 usd game on steam is $80 cad)
Not sure about how GoG handles that, but they were cool on all the other things, so it might be simply the publisher who's controlling that.
Gog also has the advantage for us of 1 click easy changing the currency we pay in. So it's not like this is forced upon us either, you can still pay in USD if you want. Where as for Steam, not so much.. You have to change your entire accounts region to pay in USD, which is easy to do, but they have various restrictions on it so it's not something your allowed to do a lot.
(Necro ya, but this is still the top google result/most posts on the subject today)