Jarik12.3: And today I learned that some people still burn stuff on DVDs.
I don't want to be offensive or something :) I'm just genuinely surprised, because the only times I still use DVDs are at my parents house, when we do a family movie night on special occasions.
DVDs (and Blu-rays) seem so out of date, especially for a back-up...
Depends on needs and cost. Back a long time ago, i estimated the cost per DVD was like a quarter, while a dual layer was like 80 cents or higher. Using that you divide to determine how much it costs to store per Gig, and compare that to other options.
Also if one DVD gets broke/bad/lost, that doesn't affect the others, vs everything on one hard drive.
If i look up current prices... (
CD - 13.65 / 50 = .27 = .38 per gig
DVD - 17.55 / 50 = .35 = .08 per gig
DVD DL - 24.99 / 50 = .50 = 0.058 per gig
BlueRay - 50.99 / 50= 1.01 = 0.04 per gig
BlueRay (
optical Quantum) - 27 = .54 = 0.021 per gig
Assuming bluerays, 50pk at 25Gig per 1.2Tb for either $51 or $27, your milage may vary. Though tape is coming back, and although slow, can store a ton more.
Also, people DO have DVD players. DVD players are cheap now. Actually for a lady who had an Aladin lamp and needed to know how to redo the wick, she didn't have internet or a computer, but had a DVD player, so i copied some videos i found and made her a DVD. Might not be my best work, but meh...
Though the denser the data, the more EC they have to throw on which takes up more space to handle errors. I don't know.