Posted July 31, 2017
persylval: Ok, so the mac version is finally here. I was all ready ready to dive into nostalgia and epic music and the i changed the langage to french (as it was how i played it first) and it stayed in english. tried a few other langage to check and english always stay. subtitle chages fine but not the voice acting. it's frustrating. any tips / solution ?
thanks a lot.
a LucasArt old fan
edit : ok, it's only the cinematics that are in english. is there a way to have them in french or is it a developpers choice ?
Hi, thanks a lot.
a LucasArt old fan
edit : ok, it's only the cinematics that are in english. is there a way to have them in french or is it a developpers choice ?
According to DoubleFine's support page, the languaage issue on Macs should be fixed in the next patch: