Posted April 26, 2016
theKrevFox: So I don't know if I've been running the game wrong or something, but whenever I try running ./ in my Armello directory, I get permission denied. I tried resolving this by giving passthrough permissions to all of the subdirectories but then this happens:
(replaced some irrelevant data with dots)
.......:~/Games/Armello$ ./
Running Armello
Set current directory to ....../Armello/game
Found path: ...../Armello/game/armello.x86_64
There is no data folder
And then it ends. Running it as super user makes the game run just fine though, albeit with my in-game name being the super user as well, is there any way to fix this?
In case anyone else is having issues with this, my solution ended up being a script that would go through every subdirectory of the Armello directory, not only the immediate ones. I used a script because it would be too tedious to just change the permissions on everything manually. The script is as follows and allows me to run the game:
echo "Setting permissions for every file and directory under \"$_dir\""
read -p "Your current dir is ${PWD}. Are you sure (y / n) ?" ans
if [ "$ans" == "y" ]
echo "Changing file onwership to $_ugperm for $_dir..."
$_chown -R "${_ugperm}" "$_dir"
echo "Setting $_fperm permission for $_dir directory...."
$_chmod -R "${_fperm}" "$_dir"
echo "Setting $_dperm permission for $_dir directory...."
$_find "$_dir" -type d -print0 | $_xargs -0 -I {} $_chmod $_dperm {}
This script needs to be run on your Armello directory, and also on your ~/.config/unity3d/League\ Of\ Geeks/ directories
This is a slightly re-purposed version of a script I found on cyberciti dot biz.
As I'm a new user I'm not allowed to post complete links I'm afraid.
Did you install the game as root? If so, that's why you need to run it as root.(replaced some irrelevant data with dots)
.......:~/Games/Armello$ ./
Running Armello
Set current directory to ....../Armello/game
Found path: ...../Armello/game/armello.x86_64
There is no data folder
And then it ends. Running it as super user makes the game run just fine though, albeit with my in-game name being the super user as well, is there any way to fix this?
In case anyone else is having issues with this, my solution ended up being a script that would go through every subdirectory of the Armello directory, not only the immediate ones. I used a script because it would be too tedious to just change the permissions on everything manually. The script is as follows and allows me to run the game:
echo "Setting permissions for every file and directory under \"$_dir\""
read -p "Your current dir is ${PWD}. Are you sure (y / n) ?" ans
if [ "$ans" == "y" ]
echo "Changing file onwership to $_ugperm for $_dir..."
$_chown -R "${_ugperm}" "$_dir"
echo "Setting $_fperm permission for $_dir directory...."
$_chmod -R "${_fperm}" "$_dir"
echo "Setting $_dperm permission for $_dir directory...."
$_find "$_dir" -type d -print0 | $_xargs -0 -I {} $_chmod $_dperm {}
This script needs to be run on your Armello directory, and also on your ~/.config/unity3d/League\ Of\ Geeks/ directories
This is a slightly re-purposed version of a script I found on cyberciti dot biz.
As I'm a new user I'm not allowed to post complete links I'm afraid.