What were our First Game Crushes? Find out and grab them with We Love Games discounts!

We Love Games Sale offers over 3300 titles with discounts as high as -90%, in addition we got multiple Build Your Own Bundles, curated collections, GOG streams, giveaways (with the Alien Breed Trilogy one happening right now until February 17th, 2 PM UTC), awesome new releases and of course… biggest amount of love for games from both us and our community!
Regarding the last one, our mutual passion and love for games didn’t just come to us out of nowhere, did it? So we started wondering, what started it all? Which amazing titles were first to spark this interest in our beloved form of entertainment? From simple arcade games to the massive open-world adventures of today, video games have captured our hearts and minds and each one of us has this one particular title that can proudly be called our First Game Crush.
So we asked both GOG’s employees and you, what were the games that we fell in love with and spent countless hours in. Then, we thought it would be a great idea to look at some of the answers that were the most popular and reminisce of just how much we love them. Especially because during the We Love Games Sale you can grab them on absolute bargains!
Fasten your seatbelt, we’re going on a nostalgia trip through the highway of love.
Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete (-75%)
Well, who would have thought, right? Heroes of Might and Magic® 3 was released in 1999 and it quickly became a fan favorite. Now it’s an absolute legend with one of the biggest cult following. What is there to say – we build and manage cities, recruit armies, battle enemies and while doing so, we experience the peak of gaming joy. Timeless and beautiful graphics, challenging gameplay, one of the best soundtracks ever made. It is still extremely popular and is still giving amazing memories to all its players.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition (-60%)
Morrowind was released in 2002 and was a groundbreaking game for its time. It's one of the best open-world RPGs ever made, where we could explore the vast island of Vvardenfell, interact with its inhabitants, and complete engaging quests. The game's immersive world, deep lore, and open-ended gameplay made it a classic of the genre. Its dedicated fanbase is still going strong and we still gladly return to being the prisoner arriving in Morrowind by boat.
Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas(all -60%)
The most iconic post-apocalyptic video game series. Its fictional world devastated by nuclear war brought us some many amazing moments that it is impossible to count them. Immersive environments, complex gameplay mechanics, engaging storylines and narratives exploring themes such as the nature of power, the human condition, and the consequences of war. The games' settings, characters, and lore are all meticulously crafted, allowing for full immersion.
Beyond Good & Evil™ (-70%)
Released in 2003, it is an action-adventure game with one of the best critically acclaimed reception. The game followed the adventures of Jade, a young photojournalist who uncovered a government conspiracy. It’s groundbreaking for its time diverse gameplay elements, including stealth, vehicle combat, flying and shooting photo, awesome, helpful and memorable sidekicks, as well as great visuals and a breathtaking soundtrack all created a masterpiece that is still a pure joy to revisit.
Wolfenstein 3D (-60%)
As classic as it gets. 1992’s Wolfenstein 3D is widely regarded as one of the greatest first-person shooters of all time. The game is set in an alternate history where the Nazis had won World War II. It featured fast-paced gameplay, intense action, and memorable boss battles. But what’s most important is that its influence can still be seen in many modern shooters. It paved the way for the genre's explosive popularity in the years to come on top of unreplicable experiences it provided back then.
System Shock (-85%) and System Shock 2 (-75%)
Both classic first-person action-adventure games that have gained a cult following over the years. The game’s features such as a unique mix of first-person shooter gameplay, role-playing game elements, and puzzle-solving, all set in a sci-fi world, was truly something ahead of its time. Their storytelling, delivered through audio logs, environmental storytelling, and engaging characters, was thought-provoking and often dealt with themes such as transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and the dangers of technology. System Shock games are also beloved for their legacy and overall great influence on the gaming industry as a whole.
Settlers® 3: Ultimate Collection (-75%)
A beloved classic first released in 1998 that has stood the test of time thanks to its innovative mechanics, charming presentation, and engaging gameplay. This real-time strategy masterpiece is set in a medieval world and allows us to control a civilization as we attempt to build up our resources, expand territory, and defeat enemies. Settlers 3 introduced a number of new features that were not seen in other strategy games at the time, such as a detailed resource management system, a complex economic model, and a unique building system that required players to carefully plan their cities and infrastructure. And if you add addictive gameplay on top of that, then it’s no surprise that it was a popular answer.
While those are just some of the most popular examples of our First Game Crushes, there are tons of impeccable titles that made us fall in love in gaming and that we will hold dear in our hearts for the rest of our lives. While we can’t list all the answers, as it would then make it a book instead of an article, the good news is that many of them can be played on GOG, proving that our goal of making games last forever is an important one. In fact, many of those First Game Crush can be found on special We Love Games Sale discounts, so make sure to check it out!
Now tell us, do you have any fond memories with those great titles? Or maybe we’ve missed the one that you hold dear the most? Let us know in the comments and enjoy We Love Games to the fullest. To love and games!