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Guarantee Linux Support for GOG Galaxy completed
How is this completed? I dont understand, cause opening through wine/proton still limits it vs native app
Officially been a decade. Feels a bit beyond just not being released at the same time.
Rofl, when on this timeline was this completed?
Or did I get moved to another timeline where this happened?
This is not complete
seeing this is solved, i can now download gog galaxy for Linux? Where?
So... Seeing as this is marked "complete"... can somebody at least say if anything is happening?
Well unless GOG are keeping this for Galaxy 2.0 we can safely say this is never going to happen...
Happy New Year 2077 --- following the automatic update: MonTanso, who burned the PCs on Windo 666, from all over the world! --We have the time to make GO Galaxy Version Linux, but also Witcher 21. --- So happy the TUX? - The GO team;-)
3.5 years later and still not even a pre-alpha-"only1%"-works client. Ciris, that's far from at "the same time", that's more like "it ain't coming."
"It's 100% that we WILL have it, we just can't guarantee that it'll be released the same time - but we'll do our best to not extend the wait :) "
3 years later and we still don't have gog galaxy on linux. I'm starting to think I just need to start buying games on steam again since they get more linux games.
I'm getting real tired of waiting for Linux support. GOG have stated that this isn't a priority and it shows. If you're going to support DRM-free games, support the DRM-free operating system many of your games are made for!
That wish is not completed.
And do you have any information about in which universe the Galaxy Linux Client is availible? Surely not in this right here...
It's 100% that we WILL have it, we just can't guarantee that it'll be released the same time - but we'll do our best to not extend the wait :)
15 comments about this wish