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Ban all regional pricing from GOG. Stick with your principles!
why are you annoyed that people in other places get to play with the same toys as you?
Remove regional pricing but price the games at the lowest price for all regions :)
Yes yes, make third world country gamers even harder to purchase games by putting unrealistic US pricings, instead of making it remotely possible for them by adding support for their currency, and then whine when piracy bites your ass! In all seriousness, GOG deserves soooo much better community
Toxic behavior on the internet. "sigh" Business as usual I see.
oh you have some new drm free games GOG? sure ill play them, let me just hop on to this "bayou" with all the "priaveteers". thanks for the free games. no regional pricing was a genious idea :))
relax guys, you can play almost all gog games for free :) funny thing is cdpr started with localization and regional pricing in poland, proving piracy was an affordablity issue. then forgot all about it lol.
Not 2014 comment lmao. Y'all need to get help.
Yeah, go ahead. The first gaming platform going downhill is GOG, no one would buy games on GOG, hope it's going to shut down and then Steam rising again. Bye
This community kills the platform itself. I would like to purchase everything on GOG but it is just financially irresponsible for me to buy something 3x price (due to regional pricing) compared to Steam. Worse is GOG always has less games, less features...
Wow, the community wishlist really needs a downvote button
If GOG wants to be competitive, they HAVE to introduce regional pricing. Otherwise people will just buy from Steam.
Ahh typical first world gamer mindset instead of getting pissed at companies for overworking their devs get mad at third-world gamers because they pay a bit less than them.
This is a terrible idea for those with much lower wages in other regions. Sure, you may get a a few people who skirt the rules but a lot more locals will suffer for this.
Why? If you want to pay more and/or support, just buy more games, or find a way to donate them directly. Otherwise, why would you ever want to make poor people suffer even more? It sounds like you whinning that you have to pay more than some poor guy from latin america... Those who asking such things are more "the whiny little kids" than people from small poor countries who instead of pirating, keep honestly buying games despate their financial position...
@mrgamaster based but also a terrible take
I live in not a first class country. If prices for games becoma same as in , say , USA , Switzerland , UK - well. It would be hard choice between games and food , ok. There is citizen income disparity between countries(which is bad in its own way) , if pricing will not account for that.. that would be about 10 times less sales..
Totally support. Perhaps better to ignore the whiny little kids that think the world owes them because their country sucks balls. Guess what, mine just as well, just a little bit less than some others and my "regional pricing" is usually about 30% higher than USD. Devs should be rewarded for their work equally, if I want to give to charity I do so, don't want to do it with every game I buy, to support whiny entitled brats that think I have an obligation to subsidize their games.
Just NO
This gotta be a joke, right?
Sure, ban regional pricing so everyone leaves and buy games elsewhere. You are a special kind of stupid, right?
tell me this is a joke
I'd ban it too, at least in the case of expensive games that run on mid-high tier hardware. If can afford a decent pc in your country to run that game, you can also afford to buy a game at the standard price.
This on seriously triggers me. I am from India and if you consider 4000 rs for a title, where the average salary is less than 20K rs(That is 269 USD for you) that is ridiculous amount to pay for a game.
I still love buying games from GOG but I do it only during sales. And yes, most of us do love GOG's principle of DRM free games. I think if GOG introduces lower regional pricing, there will be a lot more sales numbers, revenue will also grow, considering the price drop a lot more people will be willing to buy from GOG. Without regional pricing, it is out of reach for many people. Why do you think we usually stick to steam?
It is stupid to envy people who make way less then you getting a small difference in price.
It looks like some whiny kid is complaining about others playing with his toys.
Butt hurt first world country peasants angry because someone from other countries could buy games "cheaper". Obviously from these peasant perspective. For me, that "cheaper" is still expensive, but not TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE if I have to pay 60 full dollars for a game. Shame for GOG. Instead of buying games here, I buy on Steam. Shame.
WTF is this.
I'm from the U.S and get screwed a lot with prices as I move all around the world every few years for work. Steam's regional pricing layout is way better for me because well...I can pay the U.S price wherever I go as I only use the U.S store for Steam. GOG doesn't have that option so I would end up having to pay $5-15 more on a lot of titles from what I usually see which is stupid.
I understand there are a lot of countries' customers that benefit from the GOG style of pricing, but I really wish they'd have another option for folks.
How about no
even if it's just 10 dollar cheaper in some country can decide whether gamer is going to buy or pirate the game instead. So i'm not agree with this. Wish there's a dislike option for wishlist.
No, I think regional pricing will make devs more profit, because there are some people who pirate games because they can't afford a game, I'm not saying that piracy will stop if regional pricing is implemented. I mean, who wants to buy a game that costs one tenth of their monthly salary, right?
Yeah! Stick with your principles!.. And I will stick with mine.
If GOG bans all regional pricing, I will buy games elsewhere. I will not pay 2-3 times more. And if every store does it, I will no longer buy games. I could resort to piracy. But since the prices are very affordable, I like to support developers and GOG.
Here in Brazil regional pricing makes the games much cheaper (less than half the US price) and it is the same in GOG, Steam, Epic etc. So for me it's good as it is.
Don't do this.
But why? lol In my case, remakes from DaH and Spongebob are cheaper here, thank god regional price
Average salary in the US is higher than where I live, yet the price of Cyberpunk 2077 DOUBLED when I logged in to my account and got it in the local currency,.
Kek what am i even looking at
Thanks idiots, not gonna afford anything on GOG because of this
are u stupid or fool or brainless?
I like GOG but I'm not sure what the fuck makes them think I'm going to pay 10-20% more for the same exact thing I can get on Steam.
This regional pricing thing is fucking stupid and whoever came up with it should be fired.
Nope! Im from Poland my salary is 410 usd. Imo still PLN pricing is too high...
Also yeah, in Russia i have an 472$ month salary :P
Remove a feature that allows more customers to purchase their products? Excuse me, what?
Ever since Steam went regional pricing path, I was not able to buy a single game from GoG. Even the titles like Witcher and Cyberpunk are way way cheaper in steam. Just to give an example, Pathfinder:Kingmaker is on sale for 60% both on Steam and GoG and Steam edition is 4 times cheaper than on GoG. As long as prices here are 2-5 times higher than on steam, I wont be able to keep using gog...
This is a tone deaf argument. Please consider getting off of your high horse.
Money’s value is not the same around the world, what some people can pay and wont a diff country can pay is diff get used to it
Regional pricing is here to stay
Writing this from a country that just tanked its economy and currency: go step on a lego, you 'first world problems' clown. Regional pricing is the ONLY way that I can even afford videogames without resorting to piracy.
438 comments about this wish