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Library: Customizable categories completed
Would love to organise my games into categories in Gog Galaxy much in the same way it works on Steam. Although I think it would be even better to allow categories and also sub-categories.
Regardless, I like to make little sections like "favourite games" or "currently playing" or "to play next" or "backlog," etc. etc. It's very handy and it means you get the most out of your games instead of either forgetting about ones you've bought or else just being overwhelmed when your library grows too large.
Please implement this feature Gog! It's not intrusive, so for the people who don't care, they won't even notice since it would be disabled by default. I love Gog Galaxy, but Steam wins on this front. We all like to organise our game collections, and without such a feature, it's nigh-impossible to keep things neat and organised with Gog Galaxy.
The new account system is not working any better on the site either.
And you are right, tags are not categories, and they can't be used to sort/ order one's game collection.
This entry should have not been marked as completed. Makes one feel that the Wishlist serves no real purpose.
I don't consider this wish completed. Tags are not categories. Tags are for searching. Categories are for getting an organized overview of things. They could be the same thing, but not the way they are implemented now. These are some my issues with it:
1) Every time you want to view a different "category" (tag) you need to deselect the previous one, and select another.
2) It doesn't show a count of the number of games in each category.
3) You can not view multiple, grouped categories at once. If you select multiple tags it all gets thrown into one big list, sorted by title/purchase date.
4) The biggest problem, tied to the previous point: it's not instantaneous/static. I want to have categories so I can immediately get an overview of my entire library. I don't want to have to actually perform a search every time. I'm on a rather crummy computer right now so I don't know how Galaxy behaves on a good one, but for me browsing the library is incredibly sluggish, and again every time you switch category (perform a new search for a tag) the previous search is gone and so you really don't get a good overview.
Compare this with Steam where on a compact list I can immediately see that I have 3 games in progress, 7 games in my queue, with one click I can expand/hide the category of adventure games, and it all happens instantly and it's all in view at the same time.
It would be really great in my opinion if the entire library (both installed/not installed games) was directly accessible in the left panel list, and you could make static categories/headlines of your tags and sort the games under these.
You can now create such categories yourself - they are called tags. Here's a short break-down of what you can do:
- edit and reorder tags (click your Account name, then Settings & Privacy)
- assign multiple tags for every game (see dropdown when hovering on an item in the Library)
- filter your library using tags
- see top-most assigned tag in the tile / list view
Yeah i'd like to be able to set up RPG, RTS, FPS and a few other tabs to sort games with.
Oh yes. This is a feature I really value in Steam. Please add it to Galaxy too!
Categories (and sub-cat) could also be useful.
I think this would be great. I was coming to add a wish for the ability to star or mark games manually (top priority "play this one next" kind of thing) but tags would be able to fill that purpose and even more.
Customisable categories would be fantastic.
It would be awesome if we could combine this with the organization of the games, so, if you have a system like the folders on android, you could use those folders to automatically tag the games - or the other way around, use the tags to group games together!
I was going to start another wishlist asking for categories by sub-genre (for example, Roguelikes or tactical RPG / action RPG / Grid-based RPG, but having customizable tags allows us control over our library, which is always a benefit.
tag-like categories, so a game could be in these categories: coop/action/controller supported
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