Enter the virtual world of Under A Killing Moon, where it is December 2042, and you, as Tex Murphy, must stop the forces of evil before they destroy mankind and rob you of your next unemployment check. This thrilling and hilarious adventure is unlike anything you've seen before.
The graphics qu...
Enter the virtual world of Under A Killing Moon, where it is December 2042, and you, as Tex Murphy, must stop the forces of evil before they destroy mankind and rob you of your next unemployment check. This thrilling and hilarious adventure is unlike anything you've seen before.
The graphics quality, the fascinating, believable characters, and complete freedom of movement will make you feel like you've actually walked through the screen and become the main character in a rich, intriguing mystery movie.
Access Software's Under A Killing Moon features:
Four CDs of unparalleled graphics and sound.
Full freedom of movement, explore where, when and what you want!
Be part of an exciting comedy thriller!
Top-notch Hollywood talent.
Extensive built-in hints.
An interface that makes interaction intuitive and simple.
Full fidelity 16 bit 22Khz sound.
Starring Brian Keith, Margot Kidder, and Russell Means. Features the voice of James Earl Jones.
Almost 2.4 gigabytes! Simply the biggest and best entertainment CD product ever produced!
manual (54 pages)
avatars (series)
in-game soundtrack
TexExpert (series)
Under A Killing Moon ebook (mobi)
Under A Killing Moon ebook (PDF)
manual (German)
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