Twenty years after the events depicted in the multi-award-winning Deus Ex, the world is just beginning to recover from The Collapse. As an elite agent-in-training, you must match wits against numerous militant factions bent on violently reshaping the world to suit their own agendas. Armed with a mul...
Twenty years after the events depicted in the multi-award-winning Deus Ex, the world is just beginning to recover from The Collapse. As an elite agent-in-training, you must match wits against numerous militant factions bent on violently reshaping the world to suit their own agendas. Armed with a multitude of high-tech gadgets and cyberpunk bio-mods, you are granted nearly superhuman powers. Travel the globe to uncover fiendish plots and convoluted conspiracies of world domination. Unmask the conspirators, and discover the shocking truth behind your own origins.
Deus Ex: Invisible War features the open-ended gameplay of its predecessor: use multi-tools and trickery to get past your opponents, or just turn their technology against them as you hack their turrets and computer systems. Along with bio-mods and choices that let you mould your character as you desire, take advantage of the numerous ways to customize your weaponry whether it’s to increase their rate of fire or clip capacity. Last but not least, take advantage of the various factions, such as the Omar who have the only black-market bio-mods, to further your aims.
Who should you trust? Who should you fight? Every decision you make affects the world around you. A good choice for RPG and action fans alike!
RPG-ish design allowing for multiple solutions to every quest, whether through stealth and treachery or all guns blazing!
A selection of unique biomods such as the Neural Interface that allows you to hack computers or Cloak to hide from enemies, cyberpunk style.
Globe-hop to real world locations such as Seattle, London, and Cairo.
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Bitte beachte, dass Windows 10 nach seiner Veröffentlichung regelmäßige Aktualisierungen der Hardware- und Softwaretreiber erhalten wird; dies kann die Kompatibilität mit einzelnen Spielen beeinflussen.
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