Another World™ chronicles the story of Lester Knight Chaykin a young scientist hurtled through space and time by a nuclear experiment that goes wrong. In an alien and inhospitable world, you will have to dodge, outwit, and overcome the host of alien monsters, while surviving an environment as deadly...
Another World™ chronicles the story of Lester Knight Chaykin a young scientist hurtled through space and time by a nuclear experiment that goes wrong. In an alien and inhospitable world, you will have to dodge, outwit, and overcome the host of alien monsters, while surviving an environment as deadly as your enemies. Only a perfect blend of logic and skill will get you past the deadly obstacles that lie in wait.
Key Features:
Remastered presentation: a joint effort between visionary game-designer Eric Chahi and developer DotEmu, Another World is back in its 20th Anniversary Edition with High Definition graphics faithful to the original design.
3 difficulty modes: Normal (easier than original game), Difficult (Equal to original game) and Hardcore (more difficult than original game)
A new immersive experience: rediscover a cult adventure with 100% remastered sounds and FX
Extra features: development diary, making of video, technical handbook
manual (17 pages)
HD wallpapers
development diary
technical handbook
soundtrack (MP3)
Another World 15th Anniversary Edition
soundtrack (FLAC)
Exclusive Artwork
Another World Amiga ROM
Making Of - ENG
Making Of - FR
Making Of - DE
Making Of - ITA
Making Of - RUS
Making Of - ES
Making Of - PL
System requirements
Minimum system requirements:
Recommended system requirements:
Recommended system requirements:
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