With the imminent release of this game's sequel, I decided to revisit the original.
And I found my previous post in this thread still holds up 100% accurately even after all these years later --- and still zero no new patches to fix this glaring, horrible design fubar.
Guess what google auto-fills in if you type 'huniepop bedroom puzzle' into the search bar...it fills in the words "too fast"...which means many thousands of people (or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands) were searching for a solution to this same exact problem.
And that is so
because it's abysmal design that the average player cannot get through.
I've won the game (100 successful alpha dates) several times over, and I am astounded by the people who say the bedroom puzzle is either too hard or not fair.
How can a puzzle that is IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE be too hard?! :P The very concept of that boggles the mind. XD There are no broken hearts and there is no limit limit. You could literally just sit there and just stare at the screen and you won't lose it. And don't give me this "it's too fast" crap. I am a broken down old man with the reflexes of a sloth and I've never had a problem with them.
That quoted post is sheer nonsense.
It makes it sound as if anyone with reasonable gaming skills can do the puzzle, but that is not true...at all.
I am not unreasonably skilled. I play lots of fast-paced games just fine. So it's
not matter of the HuniePop terrible "puzzle" being fine, but only that old fogies can't do it.
Saying the puzzle is "IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE" is ludicrously incorrect.
lose the puzzle anew every single time you take literally less than 5 seconds of real-time simply to look at the screen and try to see where a potential match for your gems is located.
Before you even have time to
see where a match is --- much less actually to
move any of your gems into a new position --- the insanely-short timer has
already expired. When that happens, that's a big fat whopping Loss. All your progress in the puzzle has been instantly lost.
Then if you start again, the same same garbage happens again, because the game is operating on fundamentally broken, literally unplayable mechanics. The cycle repeats ad infinitum, because the game doesn't magically fix itself if you happen to keep struggling against it for a long time.
And if you exit out of the game, then it doesn't even save your progress and let you resume at the start of the horrible bedroom puzzle date the next time when you start the game again.
Note to be sure: an eSports-player probably could beat these bedroom "puzzles," so I'm not saying that no gamer in the universe can possibly do it. But the fact some some eSports-type players are able to do it doesn't negate one iota of the validity of any of the points I've made in this post.
By the way, even all famous eSports games
don't have mechanics in them that are as anywhere close to being remotely impossible for the average player to play through, as HuniePop's bedroom "puzzle" does.
HuniePop is most probably the worst-designed video game ever made for the reasons I've just described in this post.