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I'm entering twice, that way I have twice the chance of winning and twice as much time to be witty! Bwahahahahahaha, the fools never saw it coming. Victory shall be mine!
Gammix: Xyem, your family is currently being held in a remote location in the desert. If you ever want to see them again... you know what you have to do. ;)
Follow their tracking beacons?


foreach my $Element ( @Posts )
$Element -> attr ( 'id' ) =~ m/^p_b_(\d+?)$/;
my $Post = $1;

my $Name = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class b_u_name ] ) -> as_text;

if ( $Name eq 'xyem' )
my $Content = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class post_text_c ] ) -> as_text;
if ( $Content =~ m/__END__/ )
{ last PAGE; }
elsif ( not exists $Entrant{ $Name } )
{ $Entrant{ $Name } = $Post; }

Gammix: Xyem, your family is currently being held in a remote location in the desert. If you ever want to see them again... you know what you have to do. ;)
xyem: Follow their tracking beacons?


foreach my $Element ( @Posts )
$Element -> attr ( 'id' ) =~ m/^p_b_(\d+?)$/;
my $Post = $1;

my $Name = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class b_u_name ] ) -> as_text;

if ( $Name eq 'xyem' )
my $Content = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class post_text_c ] ) -> as_text;
if ( $Content =~ m/__END__/ )
{ last PAGE; }
elsif ( not exists $Entrant{ $Name } )
{ $Entrant{ $Name } = $Post; }

Really? You're going to risk losing a shot at cookies for some randomized selection code? You must think I'm bluffing. =P
Post edited April 15, 2011 by Gammix
I am the Knight of In, give me your trash bin (so that I can dispose of it for you, naturally).
In like there's no tomorrow
There is no spoon...
In for the long run!
Post edited April 15, 2011 by nightshade12
Please... pretty please ?
I'm in.
Good luck everyone! :)
Post edited April 15, 2011 by makr3la
I want in!