Gammix: Xyem, your family is currently being held in a remote location in the desert. If you ever want to see them again... you know what you have to do. ;)
Follow their tracking beacons?
foreach my $Element ( @Posts )
$Element -> attr ( 'id' ) =~ m/^p_b_(\d+?)$/;
my $Post = $1;
my $Name = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class b_u_name ] ) -> as_text;
if ( $Name eq 'xyem' )
my $Content = $Element -> look_down ( qw [ _tag div class post_text_c ] ) -> as_text;
if ( $Content =~ m/__END__/ )
{ last PAGE; }
elsif ( not exists $Entrant{ $Name } )
{ $Entrant{ $Name } = $Post; }