PoSSeSSeDCoW: I don't get why people are criticizing the new Wolfenstein for not being like RtCW. A new Wolf game comes out every 7-9 years. Technology evolves, more gameplay mechanics emerge, and the tastes of gamers change. RtCW has little, gameplay-wise, in common with Wolf3D. Do I lambaste it for that? No. Will I lambaste the new Wolf for not having much in common with RtCW? No. At least, not until I have actually played it.
Saying the new Wolfenstein is bad for not copying RtCW is like saying RtCW is bad for not copying Wolf3D or SoD. It doesn't make sense.
you're right in some way but the reason i said that is that usually great games come with great expectancy hense the diablo 3 and starcraft2 fever. It also come with big disappointment when a game doesn't equal or is worse then the previous one.
I've downloaded a demo yesterday and i have to say it looks nice and plays nice as well. So i'll be buying this one shortly :)