Telika: I'm frightened by the egocentrism of all these "i've seen the sale, skip it SKIP IT NOW IT HAS SERVED ITS FUNCTION AS I MYSELF HAVE SEEN IT".
I add a second to games that deserve to be displayed longer, to reduce (of, omg, one second) the chance of someone interested missing it.
Leroux: Xaromir does have a certain point though. You don't know for sure that adding seconds will be any more beneficial to other people than subtracting them, in the end you can't directly really influence how many people will see or miss an offer they like (and if anything, you're trying to influence how many people will see an that
you like, for a game that
in your opinion deserves it).
I'm not the only one, others increase the staying time of games they think deserves more visibility, and it's perfectly fine.
And no, it's not a good point : a blink-and-you'll-miss-it offer has less chances to be seen and benefitted from than one that stays for a little while. These "RAARHHH SKIP THE GAME THAT I'VE ALREADY SEEN" come from people who happen to be at the right place in the right minute (to see the offer and its "what's next"), and can't think or care about people who aren't.
They basically want a 30-sales-in-one-hour promo run, and of course, assume that it would happen during that hour where they're in front of the screen.