Havoc_Prodigy: This thread might come back to life now they've finally done Thief 1 and 2...
Means System Shock 2 is at least a possibility now woo!
No, it doesnt, there are far more legal issues surrounding System Shock 2 than you can imagine. To sum it up, EA holds the rights over System Shock name, while Star Insurance Company has the rights to actually develop a System Shock game. Both would have to agree in order to get System Shock here. And i believe that if it was that easy, EA would have rebooted the series already (like they did with Syndicate) to actually get a competitor for Bioshock.
Its far different from the Thief series. Eidos (which is now owned by Square Enix) owns all the rights to the Thief series, they can do whatever they want with it. Its much easier to deal with it.
kmo_9000: What you really mean is that not releasing SS2 will force people to "file-share," as in people will share their copies of the game along with a crack. This might fall under copyright infringement but it is NOT piracy.
What the f***? Of course its piracy. Sharing a file when you dont own the rights to do it is plain piracy.
kmo_9000: If EA is too stupid to realise that this is an awesome game that people want to pay for then it would be my pleasure to continue to share this game.
It isnt EAs fault, like ive explained above.