AstralWanderer: Even more ballsy, they don't yet have a licence (the KS is meant to fund its purchase as well as development). With no info posted on the team (due to NDAs according to the comments) and a l33t sp33k name ("R34L T1m3 Games"? Give me a break) this doesn't look like it will be giving the likes of PE a run for their money.
That sounds sketchy as hell. I just took a look at the comments page - someone pointed out that "R34L T1m3 Games" made the following comment on a different Kickstarter page a few months ago:
"To John K. you REALLY want to get some funding?!? Start a Kickstarter after this Cans without labels to raise money to BUY THE THE RIGHTS TO REN AND STIMPY!!! ...I hear rumors Billy West is still making cartoon voice-overs! ~8^) I am Broke as fuk, and I pledged a whole 1 DOLLA! Just think if all the broke bums that love John K. pledged $1!!! this thing would be funded instantly!"
Umm... okay? I can't even figure out who these people are. There's basically no information about them on the web and they don't seem to have had anything to do with the previous Myth games. Oh, and their email address is Looks like a scam to me.