Chaosium have been jamming all their supporters' inboxes with
Horror on the Orient Express updates - the project is in its final 5 hours and a horde of physical goodies have been announced in various updates - some included in higher level pledges but still available as extras to everyone else, including:
* alternate ending, campaign surivival guide, colour Orient Express system map, upgraded maps and handouts, bumper sticker, PDF of campaign and handouts;
* extra chapter and coda adventure (follow-up set on today's Simplon Orient Express);
* extra scenarios ("The Blood-Red Fez", a Cthulu by Gaslight adventure with a chapter covering the 1890s Orient Express; "The Dark Crusader", a Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario set in 1204 and "Blood Conquers all", a Cthulhu Invictus scenario set in 50BC at Nicomedia);
* Orient Express Tote bag and T-shirt (extra, included for Campaign Deluxe pledgers upwards);
* 4 foil-embossed train tickets (extra, included for First Class pledgers upwards);
* Horror on the Orient Express keeper's screen (extra, included for First Class pledgers upwards);
* Sedefkar Simulacrum in full color, printed on thick laminated cardboard;
* Madness on the Orient Express - two dozen tales of terror from various authors (extra, included from Conductor pledges upwards);
* Orient Express Dining Car Kit - 4 coasters, 4 napkins, 4 placemats, 4 seat-assignment cards, and 2 menus (extra, included for Conductor pledgers upwards);
* the Traveller's Companion - information about the Orient Express and its route (services, personalities, cities, laws);
* replica dining car coffee mugs (extra, 1 included for Conductors/Engineers, 4 for Seasoned/Dilettante pledgers);
* Orient Express Desk Accessory Kit - 4 sheets of OE Letterhead, 4 OE envelopes, OE notepad, telegram notepad, 2 OE pencils (extra, except for Seasoned and Dilettante pledgers);
* Souvenirs from the Journey - 8 luggage stickers and 6 postcards from cities along the route (extra, except for Dilettante pledgers);
* small steamer trunk of faux-byakhee leather (extra, except for Seasoned and Dilettante pledgers)
* Medallion of Ithaqua (extra, except for Seasoned and Dilettante pledgers);
* Orient Express soundtrack CD (extra, except for Dilettante pledgers);
* Clandestine Game Kit - 100 Orient Express poker chips, deck of custom playing cards and a wooden case (extra, except for Dilettante pledgers);
* 1920's style passports and passport covers in various nationalities (US, British, French, Turkish, German, Italian) - 4 passports and 2 covers included for every backer receiving the game, their choice of nationality with more included for higher pledges and available as extras;
* Croix de l'Orient Express, a metal medallion commemorating the Kickstarter with the train and project date (if $200,000 funding is reached);
* Strangers on the Train miniatures (if $200,000 reached but may be offered anyway - extra except for Dilettantes).
For more details, see the
project page but time is ticking...