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Arakion: Card game details:
Project Eternity: Non-combat skills with Tim Cain:
Sealark: Expansions:
Gazoinks: ... Sealark: Expansions...
Quote of the Day from that project's author:

"...also my signature is so worthless. I feel I would owe you a refund if I scrawled my name across your pristine copy."

Ogre had an update too - seems they managed to lose both their huge prototype boxes...
'nother Arakion update: Kind of a making-of and some stuff about the game in general:
Gazoinks: 'nother Arakion update: Kind of a making-of and some stuff about the game in general:
Arakion defintly deserves more backers... I really hope it'll reach some strecth goals.
Gazoinks: 'nother Arakion update: Kind of a making-of and some stuff about the game in general:
luckydoky: Arakion defintly deserves more backers... I really hope it'll reach some strecth goals.
Yeah, definitely. It looks really cool and Chris is a really great guy.
Another PC game to soak up those unwanted dollars:

ScrumbleShip (Oct 17)

and some more boardgames that I was going to mention previously, but wanted to post early to give Broken Sword one last plug:

Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident & The Artifact -Reprint (Oct 7)
Damage Report (Oct 8)
Building the Ultimate Knot (Oct 14)
The New Science (Oct 17) From the creator of Road to Enlightenment.
Lost Valley (Oct 20)
Salmon Run -- Prepare for the race of a (fish's) lifetime! (Oct 28)

and some RPG-related stuff:

Tentacles & Eyeballs: An RPG Horror Miniatures Set (Sep 28)
Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen (Oct 15)
28mm Demons & Devils - Center Stage Miniatures (Oct 15)
AfterEarth: The Fall. RPG - Create and Modify with us! (Oct 17)
Dark Realms RPG 1 Million Book Give-Away (Oct 25)
Dungeon Crawler Minis :: Tidal Wave (DCM) (Nov 11) Except for the $15 DIY set, these are pre-painted miniatures.

Anyone interested (but not yet pledged for) the Horror on the Orient Express may wish to take another look (if your Sanity is up to it!). They've added some very nice extras (Orient Express coffee mug, Clandestine Game Case gambling kit, small travelling trunk) for backers.

Edit: Another fashion item for the list: -Shirts for Gamers Clothing Line (Oct 22). Definitely work a look!
Post edited September 23, 2012 by AstralWanderer
(34 hours left. It is not games, just game OST, hope I'm not breaking any rule.)

Rokko Chan Soundtracks Tohoku Relief Initiative

The makers of Rokko Chan Soundtracks will donate all proceeds of this fundraiser after costs to Peace Winds Japan's Tohoku earthquake relief efforts.

A Game-Insprired Tohoku Earthquake Relief Initiative

The Nubuwo website for videogame music news and information is partnering with game developer King Soukutu and netlabel GameChops to raise funds for Tohoku earthquake relief efforts. All proceeds after costs raised through this Indiegogo project will be donated to Peace Winds Japan.

This project is inspired by research and fundraising by Laura Shigihara, composer of the Plants vs Zombies music score and designer of the indie game Melolune. All proceeds after costs will be donated to Peace Winds Japan, through Mercy Corps.
KS has new rules for projects to better enable backers to know what they're getting themselves into.

Also, Enclave Eyewear is down to 18 hours for anybody that's thinking about it.
Enclave got pulled by KS for allegedly infringing on a recent KS campaign because of the narrative. I'm pretty sure I know which assholes are responsible for that, and I'm sure that ultimately it will be processed as it should be, but things are on ice for the moment and the campaign page is not accessible.

A total classless act to wait until the campaign was funded to file what appears to be a fraudulent copyright infringement complaint. If anybody is curious, when the page comes back on, I'm pretty sure that the folks that filed the notice had posted a defamatory post earlier in the comment section.
Post edited September 24, 2012 by hedwards
Project Eternity Update: French, German, and Spanish translations at $2.2mil, a new digital tier, a novella by Avellone added to $50 and up tiers, and concept art of a human fighter.
hedwards: I'm pretty sure I know which assholes are responsible for that (...)
These guys?
hedwards: I'm pretty sure I know which assholes are responsible for that (...)
Starmaker: These guys?
No, the note I got explaining it was that it was a recent KS project that made the accusation. So, I'm pretty sure I know who it is, I just would rather not make things any harder for Daniel to sort through. It's clear that the DMCA take down notice was fraudulent. And the timing makes me think that the other project was jealous that Enclave had beaten them both in terms of backers and total sunglasses sold.

I don't mind telling you who I think it was, I just don't want to say or do anything that would make that project look bad, he has a really classy community so far, and he himself handled the original accusations and later minor controversies quite well.
Sorry if I have mentioned this here previously but this kickstarter needs a lot of backer love and I really am hoping it gets the required funding. I have not seen an adventure game done like this before either. The creator also just updated with more details too.
Is this thread kickstarters more then about games, because well I got one:

Puerto Rico is not really the LAST colony,there is also Guam and the British Falklands and mabye some African snd Southeast Asian lands I am not aware of, but still something interesting since I am going to study politics in college.
Kerfluffles Marshmallows now has international levels for $75 and $200.