lowyhong: Hey welcome to the forums.
The game looks interesting, but my concern is the party of 3. How does that work out for their roles? Other blobbers like M&M and Wizardry have bigger parties, so you usually end up min-maxing and specializing each character to fill an individual role. A party of 3 sounds a bit limited in that sense.
I'm also very concerned about the items and skill sets. How many skills and items are planned?
Lastly, regarding the 50K stretch goal: if I were to back the project, I would want to see more in-game content rather than a card game. Maybe that's just me, and maybe the majority would want a card game, but I know I'll be less inclined to back a higher amount, knowing that we won't be getting more content.
Because of how the character development system is setup, you can't really min max in the traditional sense. I went with a party of three because it makes your choices matter more. I always found in games where you have 6 party members I had a few worthless characters that were there, but not really substantial, and I always ended up with 1 powerhouse character that didn't really need the rest of the group.
With three each decision has a heavier impact and all three characters feel like powerhouses throughout the game, relying on each other and specialized in multiple roles. Also because of how characters develop in the game, each character "should" develop at a constant rate in relation to the other characters.
4 Skills for each character each that are extremely customize-able. Essentially I've tried to eliminate redundancy, instead of having 5 damage skills that all do the same thing you have 1 that you can customize to your liking.
I can understand your thoughts with the 50k goal, regardless however any additional money goes to adding additional content in the game, these are just guaranteed perks. If it gets to 50k chances are good along with the card game you'll see more dungeons and monsters and puzzles.
Good questions, thanks for asking them.
Edit cause I forgot
There are lots of weapons and armor in the game. Each weapon and armor is dependent on the class you happen to pick and you don't find armor or weapons laying around in the traditional sense. Instead you'll find materials and blueprints and use those to forge your equipment, and the way the equipment system is setup it allows for a massive possibilities of armor and weapons, as each piece of equipment is a product of previous equipment.