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Well thanks for the replies guys. I am amazed at how quickly the replies racked up on this! Only posted it this morning lol. To all the calm people who answered nicely, thanks, to all the others, meh. Just wanted to know why I saw Alan Wake and things like that when I logged on. Admittedly I have not been on for a while and just things seem to have changed is all.

As long as they keep bringing the old content that will be good :) I just thought they were slowly selling out.

Oh and if anyone who is a decision maker sees this....can we have Syndicate Wars please. Love that game but so hard to get running so I would rather have all the work done for me and pay you guys for it so I can play it again without the hassle, yes I am lazy lol...cheers

Oh and good call Gameon, looks like someone didn't take kindly to my comment as you warned, as I now have -1 next to my name....sigh what will I do now! lol

Edit...ooooo rep -2 now, maybe I should go for a record! lol

Post edited June 02, 2012 by drechana
This is something of a hot button issue between those of us that considered the mission of GOG to bring DRM free retro games and those that were more focused on the DRM free aspect of it.
hedwards: It is, compared with how GOG has backed down on just about everything else they were about originally. They're still DRM free and global pricing but most of the other stuff has been dumped in the bin to increase sales.
The backed down on what exactly ?

They still sell old games, as many as before, DRM-free, no region restriction (with the only exception being W2), and same price for everybody. All the rest, newer games,etc are "extra" on top of what was before.

The only "old" thing they alter was the 5.99 or 9.99 only pricing scheme.
I will get you the tiniest of violins.
Thanks EC, I appreciate that :)
Ehhh I find the complaining about the"losing focus" on older games to be pretty silly
I don't want to do the exact math, but I think the new gog came out about 10 weeks ago,and I can count 14 " older classic" games for under $10 that have been released since then. That's just a small dropoff from what it was before
Post edited June 02, 2012 by CaptainGyro
I think some people are hooked on nostalgia.

As long as:

1) The games on GOG catalog all end up at 9.99$ or less at some point

2) That they keep having promos for their games (actually, they can skip that part, but then they can expect my purchasing rate and that of other people to drop significantly... I think it's in their own interests to keep the promos)

3) The games are DRM-free

4) They keep the games future-compatible

5) The games remain tied to my account for re-download (essentially a free backup service)

I don't really care THAT much about the rest. Seeing all those retro games that I loved is cool, but there are some quality newer games as well.

Actually, in a way, it might be better that they don't focus too much on super old titles, because since their lowest price point (outside of promos) is fixed at 5.99$, I feel like it's a rip off when I see games that have pre-NES graphics and GUIs come up at that price.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Magnitus
GOG keeps releasing great new titles and old titles as well

I don't exactly see the problem here...
drechana: Simple post....what is going on? I thought this was Good Old Games at a low price, not Brand New Games at shop price.

There are plenty of sites we can get all the new games....
Not enough shops to get them DRM-free, though. GOG has a rather important role with releasing newer games, because they are pretty much the only site which fully refuses to sell any games with DRM. DotEmu would be another, but they don't seem to have even that many newer games as GOG.

If GOG games had DRM, then I agree there wouldn't be much point. You could just as well get them from Steam, Origin or OnLive.
drechana: keep it real, keep it hardcore and stick to bringing back classics guys
The market for bringing only old games is probably not that profitable, especially since so many people here bitch constantly:

"$9.99 for an eight years old game? Are they mad??? Sorry, I'll pay max $1.5 for it."


"Hey what's the deelio here? These games can be downloaded for free from abandonware sites, so why is GOG asking any money for them? They should let us download them for free."


"The game for which I paid $2½ has a couple of graphical glitches on my Win8 beta tablet PC. How does GOG dare to release games in such an unfinished state? I demand everyone's money back, right now!".

Bringing back old games to modern PCs can be quite a lot of work (especially legal and Q&A work), yet the profits and price points are quite low.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by timppu
timppu: The market for bringing only old games is probably not that profitable, especially since so many people here bitch constantly:

"$9.99 for an eight years old game? Are they mad??? Sorry, I'll pay max $1.5 for it."


"Hey what's the deelio here? These games can be downloaded for free from abandonware sites, so why is GOG asking any money for them? They should let us download them for free."


"The game for which I paid $2½ has a couple of graphical glitches on my Win8 beta tablet PC. How does GOG dare to release games in such an unfinished state? I demand everyone's money back, right now!".
you hit the nail right on the head. couldn't have said it better myself.

As I said before I love GOG's new direction. keep the games new and old coming GOG.
I love those people who say GOG lost their focus on old games after GOG releases Colonization and 3 of the older Tomb Raiders...WTF people.

I rather like how GOG has branched out. This means I'll get some kick ass indies without going through Steam.
I don't get some of the complaining some people do about this???

After all, nobody is FORCING you to read about the newer games or to buy them, so why do you care? Buy what you want, and ignore the new stuff if it doesn't make you happy.

Personally, I like having access to both especially as some of the newer indie games are coming on GOG at very low prices. I just bought the entire Blackwell collection for 10 bucks this week - cheaper on GOG than anywhere including the developer's own site!

Plus, it's obvious to anyone with any business sense, GOG has to keep making money or the entire site could close. The 'old games' are a finite collection and, honestly, a very small number of people compared to the gaming industry at large are interested in buying old games (you can tell that when 40,000 units of Legend of Grimrock was a big deal for GOG - that means most of the other games have sold in very low numbers).. If GOG wants to keep in business, they have to figure out other ways to bring in money besides selling old games.

Or.....would you prefer they just sell Good Old Games and shut down within the year, and then nobody has access to anything??

Silly discussion, IMO.
Yea, seriously!

I came looking for girl on girl happiness, but all they gave me was guy on guy abomination. :(
DAlancole: I love those people who say GOG lost their focus on old games after GOG releases Colonization and 3 of the older Tomb Raiders...WTF people.
Sort of like how people were acting like the sky was falling on GOG when they made their announcement, even though just a week before they'd released two of the most heavily requested classic titles in recent memory, Wing Commander 4 (the DVD version, no less) and Anachronox.

Bloodygoodgames: Or.....would you prefer they just sell Good Old Games and shut down within the year, and then nobody has access to anything??

Silly discussion, IMO.
Not entirely silly. Even I was taken aback at their pricing for HoMMV and Assassin's Creed. The concern is justifiable because traditionally, when a company tries to transition from an existing business model that's been proven to be effective to an expanded model, there's always a risk that the move could backfire - it's entirely possible that they could move away from classic releases and entirely to new ones, or change from fixed pricing to variable pricing on their games.

We really have it on good faith that GOG's management is smart enough to not mess things up, because it'd be really easy to do that. Occasional missteps aside, their track record so far has proven that they won't.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by rampancy
DAlancole: I love those people who say GOG lost their focus on old games after GOG releases Colonization and 3 of the older Tomb Raiders...WTF people.
rampancy: Sort of like how people were acting like the sky was falling on GOG when they made their announcement, even though just a week before they'd released two of the most heavily requested classic titles in recent memory, Wing Commander 4 (the DVD version, no less) and Anachronox.
I know, right? How old do these games have to be before the whiners stop whinging about GOG not releasing old games? Is GOG going to have to release the original PONG or something?

"Hey guys we heard you like old games so we released PONG! Now, STFU!" :P