lukaszthegreat: You are overestimating Valve's importance. They are nothing like Apple when it comes to influence.
DarrkPhoenix: I never meant to imply that Valve's influence was equivalent to that of Apple, but to say that Valve has no influence at all is simply disingenuous. The amount they can influence a publisher or developer would also naturally depend on just who they were dealing with; they probably won't have much influence with the likes of EA, but with smaller publishers and developers they could probably negotiate terms quite easily. Of course, the real litmus test on the entire matter is to look at Valve's own games and see whether there are region restrictions and regional prices on those. Anyone who uses Steam or owns games made by Valve want to comment on this?
As far as I know valve games are available worldwide. Chinese retail games (like CS) only work in china. Cause they are much cheaper over there (to combat piracy)
lukaszthegreat: They cannot risk upsetting publisher by telling them what to do or not. It is not a good business and the reason they exist is not charity but business. You cannot blame them for that.
DarrkPhoenix: Upsetting the publisher? Negotiating contracts is a fundamental part of pretty much any major business; I don't really see any serious company throwing a temper tantrum because the folks at Steam brought the issue of region restrictions and regional prices to the negotiating table. Also, I already stated that from a business perspective it's hard to blame them if their actions are simply motivated by maximizing their profits. Market segmentation is a standard business practice, and its application in this case is really nothing more than a natural result of the asymmetries in the global economy as it currently exists, but that's an entire issue in itself that goes beyond the scope of this discussion. However, despite all this, it's still possible to fault them from the position of a consumer, in the sense that Steam's choices decrease the value of their games to some people, or in the sense that some people simply don't want to support business practices that they don't agree with from an ethical or moral standpoint. If it's enough of an issue for people this will result in lost sales, and Steam will ultimately be supplanted by another company that is more in tune with what the market wants. But only time will tell how that matter plays out.
Valve is not charitable organization. They are there for business. You want valve to refuse Empire to be published on steam, game which was a certain hit and would make everyone big bucks because Sega, the publisher doesn't want it to be available in Japan? That's just silly mate.
and like i said before. Valve mos certainly offered them chance to release game worldwide including japan. Only sega is to be blamed for not agreeing to that.
lukaszthegreat: And it is not like valve supports it. They would love for every game to be available everywhere. More money for them, more customers, more publishers.
DarrkPhoenix: Well, I'll first wait for an answer to my litmus test above before saying anything with regards to what Valve actually wants. What's of interest, though, is that making games unavailable in certain regions does indeed seem to run contrary to sound business decisions, so one has to wonder just what is motivating the decision.
Region limitation is a sound business (more monies) Why DVD have regions? Different groups can be targeted like that, maximizing profit.
like i said. Valve is not to be blamed. Their games are available worldwide, they most likely want publisher to do the same but they are in no position to make them do that.
and if you blame the company for that you are just kidding yourself.
As much as I like valve I don't expect them to be white knights of gaming world.