michaelleung: Are you just pissed at their regional restrictions on Steam? I get that too here in Hong Kong, but I'm not up in arms about it.
Oh no. I'm pissed over their complete disregard for PC gamers. And their attitude towards the POP community. Region restrictions, at least for Ubisoft, are a joke anyhow (there's a very easy loophole [friend in US]), but after their "business reasons" for restricting PC gamers from the actual ending of POP, they get nothing more from me. I simply refuse to support a company that has now made it known that they can and will restrict main storylines from systems at their own whim.
To make that worse, they now just brush off the entire deal with sarcastic comments (just check the huge thread on the issue on the official POP forums for proof of that).
It's that attitude to their customers that wins them my wrath and loses them my money.
By the way, region restrictions may not be a big deal to most of the world, but when you live in a country that has no real established main stream PC gaming market (meaning no PC games sold in stores), it's near impossible to buy games without having to go the importing route (expensive import tax, shipping problems, and less and less companies even allowing it (such as EA) so on and so on).