I just made the mistake of visiting the AC2 forums and oh my gawd, the ignorance on display there is astounding. Just by way of example, there is a
thread with a poll about removing the DRM from this and all future Ubi games. So far, the poll favors the removal (71 votes to 11), but the responses are almost comical, but so very sad at the same time:
"DRM only protects the consumer! Filthy pirates won't have that DRM. Our version is clearly better in every way."
"the drm dosnt hurt the consumer it hurt the pirate. it proctects consumer from pirate other wsie game would be unplayable due to the piarates ruing everyithing for everyone. youre understanig of how drm work is flawed and need o stody up more"
"How many pirates have access to the full game? That's right. We can't play it now, but we had a chance and we'll get to play again soon.
Ubisoft - 1
Pirates - 0"
"that is not point drm is to stop piraters and it working very well all the ppl comlaning aout not working are probably piraters and it proove that drm is working very well as no piarter jhas ruin my experiences"
"i voted to kep the drm becuz i don't support the pirate downloaders and i know that taking the drm away will only let pirates play my game! xD"
I laugh at this, but inside, I'm really crying. :(