Gundato: The problem being, there are people who think CD-checks are "draconian DRM", so not the best sample :p
Delixe: Those people are the lunatic fringe that no one listens to. Most people even here praised EA when they announced their latest releases will only use SecuROM for a disc check. Generally people do not have any problem with the following DRM methods:
- SecuROM disc checks
- Steamworks
- GFWL (if the limited activation bug is removed)
- Account based multi-player
- SecuROM that allows you to de-authorize a computer
People DO have a problem with the following DRM:
- Limited activations with no revoking tool (TAGES)
- Disc checks that can potentially damage your hardware (Starforce)
- Single player games that require constant internet connection (UbiDRM)
- DRM applied on top of other DRM (SecuROM/TAGES + Steamworks. GTA4)
- Regionally restricted activation (Steamworks + MW2 or Empire:TW)
My thoughts exactly ...