Oslin007: dow does divinity difirentiate from gothic, risen and elder scrolls?
I got it a couple months ago. It turned out to be surprisingly well done, with several neat features. My only complaint about it was that the different areas scaled heavily in difficulty, so exploration could be a bit of a hassle, especially early on. But the graphics are good, the music is fitting, and who wouldn't want to play a game where you can become a dragon?
To answer your question - the combat in Divinity 2 is a lot more fluid than the combat in Oblivion. You have more options, and there's a need to move around a lot more than in TES games. In that way, it's quite a lot like Risen. Unlike in Risen, though, you're definitely well advised to specialize heavily in a few skills, as opposed to trying to become a jack of all trades. The itemization is a lot like Diablo-style games, but the inventory is much more forgiving. The game also rewards you for being a completionist - I'm honestly not sure it's possible, no matter how good your skills, to just plow through the game and ignore all the side quests. I don't think you'd level enough to handle the last parts.
It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be, and I'd say it's well worth buying, but as previously advised, get the expansion. The ending of the base game, while an excellent story, most definitely leaves you wanting more.