RayRay13000: So...
The Phantom Pain: Metal Gear Solid 5. It looks amazing graphics wise. The gameplay part kind of looks like mixing together Assassins Creed and Red Dead Redemption (open world wise). From the looks of the trailer it's taking place around the events of Peace Walker? (Just from the appearance of Miller). Looks nice, but I'm not really looking forward to the story part of it, Metal Gear Solid 2 ruined the whole story part of the series for me.
Dark Souls 2 made an appearance, but that was it. Nothing about how differently it's going to play, nothing about the story, nothing about difficulty compared to the other games, just nothing. It was just there (and is just a current gen release looking at the gameplay footage).
Ryse looked interesting when the trailer started, but then the gameplay happened and turned the whole thing into a "meh" trailer. Looks nice though, but take away 90-100% of the quicktime events and I could get behind it.
Project Spark looks like fun...but is it just a reskined Little Big Planet game with many more design and mechanic options? That's the only part that confused me.
Witcher 3 is now on the Xbox One, but this really shouldn't come to a surprise to anyone (after all, it's on Steam and the Xbox 360). Looking forward to the game.
Battlefield 4...meh. Again, the graphics look nice. And I'm kind of shocked that COD didn't make an appearance, where's your new dog model? :B
Minecraft? I already bought the game on PC.
Quantum Break...still confused as to how this will play out.
Forza Motorsport 5. "We're using the cloud feature of the Xbox One so we don't have to work on AI ourselves." The adaptive AI kind of sounded interesting, but not really into racing games. Overall it was a "meh". Off topic but, how is it (from my perspective) that racing games look so much smoother and better looking than other games?
TitanFall, oh hey we have Gund...I mean mechs. Otherwise it's just a "meh".
Metal Gear Solid 5 is long before MGS2 so you probably don't have to worry about MGS2 refernces.