Posted April 05, 2012
hedwards: The issue isn't money, it's that the only way of getting things like food and shelter for many people involves money because there's a small portion of the population that owns everything.
Vestin: That's... very loose use of the term "everything". I was wondering whether it was necessary for me to mention that money has its uses and that its profound shortage can be devastating... It's obvious that those less fortunate should be helped - we're not animals.
Anyway - that's not the point. I was merely vaguely pointing out its place in ("our" ? "Western" ?) culture.
I'm not being loose with the definition of everything at all, in the US it's quite easy to find yourself working for decades with essentially nothing to show for it.
In that regards, China is in some way a better place to live than the US, there is no particular illusion about what one is going to have on retirement. What you have is going to be whatever cash you can save up and whatever your children can help you with. It's not as high a standard of living, but it is quite a bit more relaxing than what I was living back in the US>
Magnitus: I resent SOME members of the top 1%, not because of their wealth, but because of the policies they try to drive with their wealth in order to increase it, not to mention some dubious practices that are done to save a buck (exportation of labor to cheaper places, unpaid overtime, lousy environmental practices, screwing states over for their non-renewable natural resources, etc).
We are closer to being a third world nations then many would like you to believe (peak oil, climate change, out of control debts because the wealthy don't want to pay their taxes, having no local demand or local industry because the bulk of our labor is exported, etc).
But yeah, if you can make a buck being a nice guy without screwing people over, then all the more power to you I say.
Hammer meet head. We are closer to being a third world nations then many would like you to believe (peak oil, climate change, out of control debts because the wealthy don't want to pay their taxes, having no local demand or local industry because the bulk of our labor is exported, etc).
But yeah, if you can make a buck being a nice guy without screwing people over, then all the more power to you I say.
This is more or less it. The rich, at least in the US, didn't get there solely by the sweat of their own brow, they got their in large part due to the labor of others. Others who are competing in a system that's effectively fixed against them in terms of earning a living wage at this point. Wages have been largely stagnant in the US for decades even as the super wealthy have more and more wealth and the tax policies increasingly favor them.
Not to mention the regressive and incompetent corporate policies that reward screwing over employees whether or not it's a sound business decision.
Post edited April 05, 2012 by hedwards