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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Today we have uncovered a hardcore RTS hidden gem ;) [url=]Dark Reign + Expansions is really the true, real RTS you’d want to play. A lot of innovative features were so hardcore that the modern games of today are using the pseudocasual counterparts.

First and foremost the whole setting, the new Hard Sci-Fi world that was created for Dark Reign is unique. You are the lone survivor of the Tograns, a human faction whose homeworld was devoured by a brutal civil war between the Freedom Guard and the Imperium. Now you have to be victorious in battle simulations of some of the famous battles between those two. If you prove yourself, you’ll get a chance to use an advanced probe launcher to go back in time and save the Togran’s leader and scientist Alpheus Togra, thus saving the whole civilization. The expansion pack adds a second campaign involving the Imperium, a rogue AI, and a secret research facility ;)

Dark Reign is full of innovations, it’s the one of the first RTS games to use fully 3D models and terrain that impact physics and damage. Fast paced action obliged the design team to drop the Fog of War system and implemented a Line of Sight that changes with the terrain elevation and the landscape. The two sides are totally heterogeneous in terms of design and units, and speaking of the units. To minimise micro-management which can be a chore with this many units and fast paced RTS action a new system was implemented, you can set the general attitude of your individual units. This regulates their rules of engagement and eagerness to fight. Top that with a simple and reliable waypoint system and you get the picture of how deep the gameplay is. All of that is driven by one of the best soundtracks in the history of RTS.

Buy it now only for $3.99 today and check out one of the best RTS games of all time!
Great game

I won this in a contest some time ago, I reccomend that you get it because seeing that it's from Activision you will not get discounts like that on it for a long, long time, so grab it cheap while you can
A great game, by all accounts. Pity I didn't score a free code myself. ^^
I just joined GOG a couple of weeks ago after discovering it last year. I don't know what took me so long. . I'm very impressed with the generosity of some in gifting games to others. I've seen it in the past, usually on some open source stuff, or a really good blog, where the authors have had a public wishlist at Amazon or a PayPal donate button. IMHO, it only makes for a better community.

I snagged this game myself today...and thanks to those that gifted it to others. I love this place now...
Huh. I didn't expect this game to pop up in this promo. Had it on my wishlist for a good while now, mainly because I had plenty more strategy games in my (growing) backlog. At this price though, even if I don't play it for a while, I'd be stupid not to pick it up.

I remember reading about Dark Reign back when it came out, but I actually never got to play it despite of my interest in the game. That was back when I was lucky enough to be able to get maybe four games in a year; it sure made it considerably more difficult to decide which game to pick over another. Nowadays I'm just more of game glutton than anything. Heh.

Anyway, thanks GOG. It's always great to discover games I've wanted to play but for one reason or another never get around to. That's one of the main reasons I love this place. That and the fact a lot of these old games are way more fun than most of the new stuff coming out these days.

Wallet : 8 - GOG : 8
Post edited July 23, 2011 by mistermumbles
LePetomane: I snagged this game myself today...and thanks to those that gifted it to others. I love this place now...
This community is a veritable cornucopia of generosity and exuberant giving. GOG births mountains of joyful frivolity and tinkles waterfalls of ecstasy to all it reaches. GOG is like unto the Grail of gaming goodness. My friend LePetomane, you have found the grail, now drink deep!
And welcome aboard matey! ;D

On a side note, Dark Reign does look fun, and is a gem (based on its rating) as well, another perfect game for this sale. Huuuah, GOG, Huuuah! =)
OK GOG you win I can't resist this one. I'm sucker for this genre and this looks like an excellent game. I may not get to this one for a couple of years with my current backlog, but it will satisfy my current need for a fix, I'm so addicted to collecting games that I may need to talk to a professional, quack that is. Luckily my weekly fix is only costing around $5 to $10 dollars a week, less than it would cost to go to the show or to get a quick bit to eat at Micky D's.

Even at just $5 a week, it adds up two over $250 per year, I need to stop buying and just keep playing, but with great companies like GOG and others that offer such great deals on these awesome games how can I stop. It is like putting a 20 dollar bottle of Vodka on sale for 3 dollars and telling a drunk not to buy it! Thanks GOG (I Think)
Post edited July 23, 2011 by rgarbez
Yay had it on the wish list for a while now. Now I can replace my CD version and get the expansion bonus.
Well, after digging through my stack of old games, I discovered I have this title. But I didn't have the expansion and, well, it's a CD-ROM (so old fashioned! :p) So what the hey, bought it.
rgarbez: OK GOG you win I can't resist this one. I'm sucker for this genre and this looks like an excellent game. I may not get to this one for a couple of years with my current backlog, but it will satisfy my current need for a fix, I'm so addicted to collecting games that I may need to talk to a professional, quack that is. Luckily my weekly fix is only costing around $5 to $10 dollars a week, less than it would cost to go to the show or to get a quick bit to eat at Micky D's.

Even at just $5 a week, it adds up two over $250 per year, I need to stop buying and just keep playing, but with great companies like GOG and others that offer such great deals on these awesome games how can I stop. It is like putting a 20 dollar bottle of Vodka on sale for 3 dollars and telling a drunk not to buy it! Thanks GOG (I Think)
Not to state the obvious here but you could actually buy a ton of games for the price a proffessional therapist would cost you - these quacks are charging crazy prices for their "service" so I highly recommend NOT seing one of those and just continue to buy shitload of games. :-)
rgarbez: OK GOG you win I can't resist this one. I'm sucker for this genre and this looks like an excellent game. I may not get to this one for a couple of years with my current backlog, but it will satisfy my current need for a fix, I'm so addicted to collecting games that I may need to talk to a professional, quack that is. Luckily my weekly fix is only costing around $5 to $10 dollars a week, less than it would cost to go to the show or to get a quick bit to eat at Micky D's.

Even at just $5 a week, it adds up two over $250 per year, I need to stop buying and just keep playing, but with great companies like GOG and others that offer such great deals on these awesome games how can I stop. It is like putting a 20 dollar bottle of Vodka on sale for 3 dollars and telling a drunk not to buy it! Thanks GOG (I Think)
Man..I know exactly how you feel. I think there is a lot of people like us here on GOG. It just feels good to buy a great game for ca. 3,99$, although I already spent more than 400$ just on GOG alone, not to mention steam were I spent even more. Anyway GOG keep it coming.
promo is over, hopefully everyone was quick enough
Excellent game... at the time you played either this or Total Annihilation. Both great games but I have to say I was of the Dark Reign camp.

The one day I missed of the hidden gems sale and it was this one... I hold my head down in shame. Guess I'll just have to dig up my original copies for now.

"You can run but you can't hide"
"You want some of this!"
Now THAT's a real hidden gem. I had heard the title many times but I never got a chance to play it until now. Today I gave it a try and I must say that I'm amazed. The gameplay is surprisingly deep, the plot is really interesting and the presentation is spectacular, with huge amounts of units, explosions and an epic soundtrack. Great stuff. I thought that I loved GOG for restoring my childhood memories but now I think that I'm even more grateful for all those chances to play games that completely missed me in the past.
I'm sad I missed this one. :(
Just need to come to gog everyday, I suppose!