I bought 10 games, an average of USD3.87 per game... not bad when there's Activision games involved, huh?
-Zeno Clash
-Introversion Complete Pack - Summer 2010 (4 games)
-Call of Duty Pack - Summer 2010 (5 games)
And I already own The Witcher from a past sale... but they shouldn't had changed the price for it, it was only $6.79 and probably selling like water in the desert.
From who came the decision for the price to went up, to $13.39?
Steam or the publisher/developer?
PoSSeSSeDCoW: There's some cross-pollination going on. The Steam thread here and a David vs. Goliath thread on Steam general forums.
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1332176 Thanks for the link, I've read all posts.
Indeed, two things that I love about GOG is not having regional restrictions and not having different prices for each region. :)
fabricioz: No, I wasn't talking about NC, because I never bought anything from them. I was referring to companies which I worked with, like Vivendi-Universal/Atari, Greenleaf, the late Brasoft (which went bankrupt and each director founded another distributor, that's how TD was created)... Brasoft was kinda good actually.
Some of them did translate the games and hired some garage studio to dub the voice act, like they did in Starcraft (which I have original and could only play with original voice downloading from Battle.net digital distribution server) and Max Payne. That was really awful! And I say that as an studio owner and audio producer for games :)
Also, the tech support of any of these companies was really painful. I managed this department when I was at Tech Dealer and we did some very good work on it, solving almost any of the customers problems and actually digging the problems and creating a knowledge base for each game. No other publisher had it in Brazil by that time.
But now, I don't know how is the markey today. I never bought a console game in the stores around here, I bring them from outside, so I never recurred to NC support or something like it.
Well, I don't know how it was with Vivendi/Atari products, but I do know the Brasoft and Greenleaf products. I've also bought lots of those magazine+games' CD bundles, 'cause they were cheap compared to the retail games.
Brasoft had a good fame, yes... but suddenly they disappeared from the market; we, gamers, don't know what the hell happened with it. (I don't know the background story, like you probably do.)
I've heard the StarCraft 1 localization (and translation) was crap really, but the Max Payne 1 was really good... that guy which voiced Max got the right mood of the game. StarCraft 2 will be localized for Brazil, but I don't know who's doing it and which distributor.
I never bought a console game here too, I tend to import the games too... but I've seen some NC titles on stores. It's just the box in english and a white label containing the NC logo and bar code, that's their "localization process". (Or it was before, I don't know how NC is doing it today).
fabricioz: As I said, localization is a very sensitive subject, you need to have a very good team working on it so they won't write bs, translate part of the code, make text fit in the visual fields and boxes, make the text sync with events and dialogues... it's not so simple as it seems. Most of localizations here in Brazil really stinks.
I don't know about the games Microsoft did translate, like Viva Pinata, but seems it they looked (and sounded) good. But I always prefer to hear the original sounds.
Indeed, it's not simple. Halo 3 was also localized, if I recall correctly.
I always do prefer the original sound and voices, always. The only thing I do like is the box in portuguese and subtitles not from Portugal's portuguese, but Brazilian.
Crassmaster: 9th Company : Roots of Terror - You play as Russian troops in Afghanistan in the 80's. I'll drop $5 on a premise that unique.
Indeed, I'd love to see more game developers creating games based on such unique themes/settings. Lots of cool places and eras that haven't been explored yet, in games. (Red Orchestra is a good example of this, no game has beaten it).
There's a good movie about this, watch it if you didn't yet: ;)