EndlessKnight: I'll put my 2 cents in and bash Steam for two straight days of them not accepting my CC, while GOG will. They keep blaming the CC company and the company continually says that they aren't receiving any requests. Same card that I've used effectively on Steam last month. Silly Valve.
You contacted support and they told you that or are you just going by their poorly worded error messages at checkout? I had the same basic problem earlier this month and the cause was Valve's over protective fraud prevention system which shuts down your ability to pay the second there's an error during purchasing on their end.
It took 'em just under 24 hours to reset my account. The fastest I've ever had help from them. Which speaks volumes when you think about it...
As for Stardock, is that Brad whining again!? If he's got such a problem with EU pricing why doesn't he as the CEO of a publisher, do something about it? After all, Stardock is supposed to be huge right? It's number 2, right? </sarcasm>
And "One world. One price" that's just fucking classic coming from the only DD service to price gouge certain third party publisher games on their service. Does he really expect anyone (outside the US) to believe a word he says these days?