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CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference live tomorrow at 5:00 PM GMT

People say it is not spring until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies. has proven otherwise, and you knew it’s spring after eight daisies already: Legend of Grimrock, Treasure Adventure Game, Trine, The Whispered World, Machinarium, Wing Commander 4, Spacechem, and Darwinia. However, as many a sudden change takes place on a spring day, we’re about to reveal another four amazing daisies tomorrow during CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference.

The harvest of a whole year depends on what you sow in the springtime. And this year, oh boy, we’re into some serious sowing. During CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference we will:
* tell you what has changed on in case you missed it
* offer a sneak peek at future releases
* give you a special gift as a big, sweet “thank you” to our users

Remember that those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water-- or
Remember that spring won't come from one flower--we need plenty of you to watch the CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference!
I applaud you GoG. I applaud you for being the best digital media distributer ever.
Crap, I already owned Fallout. Well, it's definitely great and legendary, so it's nice that those who haven't ever played it, can finally have a chance. IMO everyone should play it.
Well, I already bought The Witcher 2 on GOG, so the backup copy doesn't benefit me.
I already bought Fallout on GOG, so the free copy doesn't benefit me.
I don't have a Mac, so The Witcher 1 port doesn't benefit me.

But I'm delighted for all the people who will benefit from this :)

My one quibble: $19.99 seems EXTREMELY highly priced for games that old. I bought Assassin's Creed 2 for £3 last week.
Arteveld: Wow! Not buying Fallout on GOG actually paid off. :D
Nice! I thought everyone had it already :D
Feels a bit sad to have the present be the game that got me to sign up with GOG in the first place, but for everyone who hasn't played it yet: GO PLAY NOW.
Also, it'll probably draw in some more customers now that it's free, like it drew in me. And that's good.
Thanks for Fallout! I am glad I held off getting it. Best game site ever, thanks again!
I have to admit what amazes me is getting Ubisoft to step back from their DRM obsession.
Im kind of disappointed myself, already played Fallout a long time ago and im pretty sure i have it somewhere =/
Assassin's Creed + HoMM 5 Gold for $20 seems like a pretty good deal.
low rated

Fallout as a thanks to all gog fans??? are you kidding me? Fallout is the 2nd bestselling game . so the majority of gog fans already bought it. => this is a gift for NEW members. You can keep your fallout ;) A classic example of shitting on your fanbase and only rewarding new people....

PS. thanks for the digital backup for the witcher 2 (and a free mac version of witcher 1 in my case)
While I was psyched for the presentation and it was interesting, from the Witcher 2 to, but there wasn't a single thing which would pull my strings in the same way that previous conferences did. But I'm glad for CDProjekt RED and GOG and I hope that the enticement of free Fallout will bring more people to GOG. Perhaps a free version of Wasteland would be nice, but who are we kidding here? EA giving something sought after for free?
Poulscath: Got both Fallout and Witcher 2 on gog already. Oh well...
Yeah, but tw2 owners are getting a free extended edition on the April 17th...Bloody awesome
rjfigueiredo: One price and still Witcher 2 is 40€ for europe and 40$ for the rest of the world, 1$ not 1€ eh, nice tag line guys, pity you don't follow it.
GOG put in workaround, legal argument, GOG lost. Store credit for those that have to pay more. Would you rather they didn't sell it?
Awesome! Mega thanks to Interplay and for the free Fallout!

I love you guys!
kurcatovium: It's good to see new games, but well... I don't like your move with Fallout. I bought it some time ago and now i feel like riped off. Those are strong words, but why should new users have advantage over us, old timers, who supported for quite some time? Does this really sound fair to you?
Consider this, no matter which game they would give away there would be someone who says "but I already have it, not fair". Or there would be people who expected something else. Consider other great RPGs: baldur's gate, icewind dale, planescape torment...people would say the same thing you're writing now if they gave any of those.
Thanks! Free Fallout, a drm-free backup of my Witcher 2 game and a lot of oldies added recently.

Though if I may be honest, I'm a wee bit disappointed with the live feed because I was hoping to get some news of upcoming oldies.

Keep up the good work!