Damuna: I have a sharp object phobia, which includes needles. Due to medication that I will have to be on for the rest of my life, I now have to have blood tests every three months, which involve a rather substantial amount of blood being drawn. The first one was the worst, and I had to have five large vials taken. I find the feeling of having blood taken horrible, and the sensation of having the needle removed and the cotton patch placed shocks me. After I have blood tests I always feel pain in my arm and fingertips for days afterwards.
In a few years, I'll need to have surgery, and afterwards I'll have limited mobility and be confined to a bed for a week or so, stuck full of needles and with IVs hanging out. I'm really not looking forward to it.
That does sound quite a bit like my wife's phobia I really wish I could somehow help her through it but doesn't seem to be working very well, I really wish there was a cure for anyone that has that sort of phobia its not a nice thing to have, but you are doing well and are brave and strong! I believe in you!