Applemilk: How was my post anything like an "OMG PLOX" post, you meandering moronic dullard?
I heard about this site an came here looking for Planescape Torment, found they didn't have it, but have a topic about it, so I posted my interest in said topic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, I never made a new topic, I didn't spam. My post was perfectly fine. So stop projecting your ill advised, badly thought out crap onto me.
Now shoo, get out of my sight you silly little boy.
Oh, snap... Well, I do need a new pair of shoes, so I'm letting you off the hook this time, but just watch your back.
Also, if you haven't figured by this time: I'm extremely bored, and just messing with ya. Slooooooow days at work, you see, and very little to do. Looks like the people here might have figured out how to *GASP* do stuff on computers themselves!