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Jernfuglen: It shouldn't be that difficult. It's possible to get it at gametab.
I' ve owned the game for years, but never really played it. Maybe it's time for my discs to be used once more.

It's not sold there, only rented and difficulty of getting it here depends entirely on ATARI's willingness to offer it's products here.
*hugs my FOUR CD set of Planescape: Torment I got for X-Mas one year, when it was on sale for $30 many years back at ...*
Aliasalpha: well I'd probably think that it's a bargain but still get the gog equivelant (if available) because I prefer the idea of the digital version, if nothing else because of the lack of disc swapping.
Also if it was physical and cost $6, ElPixelIlustre would probably get orgasm all over it and that can stain...

And then sell it on ebay for a discounted price.
ilves: *caresses his Planescape 4-CD red-orange case*

Tell it everything's going to be okay.
Aliasalpha: Yes, plough through and get out of the mortuary and don't stick around the first area with the dusties because they do get a bit generic. Instead try to head to the Smoldering Corpse Bar in the South East Hive. There's plenty of variety there what with Ignus, Dak'kon, a guy called O who apparently knows the secrets of existance, a blackmail possibility and a most unusual thing you can order from a barman...

Okay, Im sold. :P
Post edited May 13, 2009 by chautemoc
Come on, give us Planescape Torment!
I bought it years ago, and probably got around a third in, and attached some cursed skin onto my leg that really messed up my character. And after a week trying to get it off I gave up. I really regret that now and I want to play it again. It was an amazing game.
Post edited May 20, 2009 by Applemilk
Applemilk: Come on, give us Planescape Torment!
I bought it years ago, and probably got around a third in, and attached some cursed skin onto my leg that really messed up my character. And after a week trying to get it off I gave up. I really regret that now and I want to play it again. It was an amazing game.

Read through the FAQ, found in the welcome topic, and you may find out why certain games that undoubtedly would be very popular has not been released here.
Oh, and since you are whining about this for what has been whined for at least 256.000 times before, I must give you your complementary ARGLEBEH!
Have a nice day.
Post edited May 20, 2009 by sheepdragon
In a topic about the actual game. The clue was in the title. If you didn't want to hear someone talk about it, you shouldn't have clicked the link now should you.
So take your stupid pedestal, and your copy of internet trolling 101, and step away from the reply button.
Post edited May 20, 2009 by Applemilk
Applemilk: In a topic about the actual game. The clue was in the title. If you didn't want to hear someone talk about it, you shouldn't have clicked the link now should you.
So take you stupid pedestal and your copy of internet trolling 101, and step away from the reply button.

Butthurt much? I just responded to yet another "OMG GIEF PS:T PLOX" post.
And I like my reply button AND pedestal, so I don't see that happening.
Applemilk: In a topic about the actual game. The clue was in the title. If you didn't want to hear someone talk about it, you shouldn't have clicked the link now should you.
So take you stupid pedestal and your copy of internet trolling 101, and step away from the reply button.
sheepdragon: Butthurt much? I just responded to yet another "OMG GIEF PS:T PLOX" post.
And I like my reply button AND pedestal, so I don't see that happening.

How was my post anything like an "OMG PLOX" post, you meandering moronic dullard?
I heard about this site an came here looking for Planescape Torment, found they didn't have it, but have a topic about it, so I posted my interest in said topic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, I never made a new topic, I didn't spam. My post was perfectly fine. So stop projecting your ill advised, badly thought out crap onto me.
Now shoo, get out of my sight you silly little boy.
Applemilk: How was my post anything like an "OMG PLOX" post, you meandering moronic dullard?
I heard about this site an came here looking for Planescape Torment, found they didn't have it, but have a topic about it, so I posted my interest in said topic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that, I never made a new topic, I didn't spam. My post was perfectly fine. So stop projecting your ill advised, badly thought out crap onto me.
Now shoo, get out of my sight you silly little boy.

Oh, snap... Well, I do need a new pair of shoes, so I'm letting you off the hook this time, but just watch your back.
Also, if you haven't figured by this time: I'm extremely bored, and just messing with ya. Slooooooow days at work, you see, and very little to do. Looks like the people here might have figured out how to *GASP* do stuff on computers themselves!
Post edited May 20, 2009 by sheepdragon
Slow day at work so you're infringing MY copyright of ARGLEBEH!
Aliasalpha: Slow day at work so you're infringing MY copyright of ARGLEBEH!

So let's take it there. AVAST!
sheepdragon: AVAST!

Not a bad little antivirus app, especially since its free
sheepdragon: AVAST!
Aliasalpha: Not a bad little antivirus app, especially since its free

Indeed, I use it myself. Did have some problems with it in the past though, the resident shield crap kept disabling itself, without hope for restarting, but it seems to have been resolved...
Forum ADD much?
sheepdragon: Oh, snap... Well, I do need a new pair of shoes, so I'm letting you off the hook this time, but just watch your back.
Also, if you haven't figured by this time: I'm extremely bored, and just messing with ya.

You couldn't put me on a hook if you tried. In the teenie, tiny amount of posts I've seen you dredge out and sploosh around, you've proven yourself to be nothing more than an idiot with ideas so far above his station it's as funny as it is sad. An ten a penny internet wonder boy.
If you want to troll people, or "mess" with them, then get some solid foundation to do so and stop jumping at the mere glimpse of a possibility. You only hurt yourself when you fail so hard.
Applemilk: You couldn't put me on a hook if you tried. In the teenie, tiny amount of posts I've seen you dredge out and sploosh around, you've proven yourself to be nothing more than an idiot with ideas so far above his station it's as funny as it is sad. An ten a penny internet wonder boy.
If you want to troll people, or "mess" with them, then get some solid foundation to do so and stop jumping at the mere glimpse of a possibility. You only hurt yourself when you fail so hard.

I'm simply bored, which leads to retarded attempts at "humor"/"trolling" for some simple entertainment until someone messes up here, you're taking this too seriously. Look around a bit more before resorting to petty personal insults, and you'll see that it's a very loose community in that regard. Nothing is intended as personal.
Though I should probably taken into account that you're entirely new to this place, to which I might apologize for not considering.