CowboyBebop: I don't think Amanita has anything to do with it either and whatever they decide is likely to be paid for only by GOG. GOG is just going to try to give something to the people who preordered here only to feel like they overpaid on release day. It might have been worth $10 but some would still feel cheated. I'm just going to buy more games from GOG this weekend than I might have before this fiasco started :)
Navagon: It's not that I feel cheated. It's that this is a massive and unmistakable slap in the face all the same. The GOG price seemed fair for what it is. I knew it was likely to wind up in a bundle at some point. So it would all have been well and good. But to bung it in a bundle on the same damn day is just shitty.
I wouldn't be so miffed if the GOG version had the full soundtrack.
(One of the main reasons people like myself shop here. The extras)
I wouldn't have been miffed if the GOG version had the sample, and the dev had the full version, but the game was the same price on their site.
(I probably would have picked up that soundtrack later on at some point)
I wouldn't even be fussed if they released a Humble Bundle with just Machinarium and some other games in it.
But. Its this exact combination which has got people that pre-ordered like me a little miffed.
I applaud GOG for their take on the issue so far. Their support is one of the finest I have ever experienced.
Likewise I'm going to love the hell out of this game, and I love Amanita Designs and will forgive them for this oversight.
The humble guys I'm a bit wary of these days. I think they are going a little overboard with all these bundles.
(though I do respect them for giving to charity)
EDIT: Reads wodmarach post above.
Oh bugger.
Oh well. Its nice to see the two act so fast. Remember these guys are nice, and just made a bit of a mistake.
I already have the soundtrack now, but I will take that art book with a smile! :D