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The city needs YOU to enforce the law!

Urban Chaos, a dynamic adventure-brawler with an elaborate combat system and great replayability, is now available on for only $5.99.

Damn those Wildcats! That gang has been the bane of Union City for years, but now the gangbangers are more powerful than ever. They will stop at nothing in their attempts to seize control of the city, even if it burns to the ground in the process. Word on the streets is that their leader has been dealing with things no sane man should even consider. Dark things, which may be corrupting the city from the inside out. But there's a saying we had in the UNPD Academy: a good blow to the head puts all demons to bed.

Urban Chaos delivers solid fighting sequences in a varied, dynamic environment of a rioting city and wraps them up in an original storyline. You take control over two characters: a female law enforcement officer D'arci Stern or an ex-soldier vigilante Roper McIntyre, each of them with a unique fighting style. The 24 non-linear stages can be completed in various ways ranging from car chases, through shootouts, to hand-to-hand brawls. A day-night cycle, changing weather conditions, and random encounters will make every playthrough a unique experience!

Grab a baseball bat and enforce some law over the raging Urban Chaos, for only $5.99!

In other news: we'd like to announce that as of today, the time of our regular releases has been moved to 10:00AM GMT. That means you get to enjoy them one hour earlier in the day!
Great release ! I remember having the game somewhere on a CD I received with a gaming magazine. And I enjoyed the game very much !

Wishlisted for now as I don't have much time to play.
avatar In other news: we'd like to announce that as of today, the time of our regular releases has been moved to 10:00AM GMT. That means you get to enjoy them one hour earlier in the day!
Damn it, you're messing up my schedule :P
Wishlisting this for now, looks good.
Wishlisted too! Great news...

I was looking for this game for... 13 years! :D
Heard great things about this. Wishlisted for now, but it looks pretty tempting.
YEEEEESSSSS... Wishlisted, as I am a bit short at the moment (Windows 8, XCom, ... too much spent this month already).
god i loved this game, thanks gog, once again you take my money, you must hate my wallet
Yay GOG, I thought this one was in the pipe when Startopia was released, didn't expect it so soon. :)
Wow is played the demo on the PS1. I remembered liking it

Instabuy for sure
Wishlisted for me. Looks great
Not my cup of tea :-(
Anything else planned today?
tburger: Anything else planned today?
Doubt it, they are moving the release time to this time it seems
JMich: snip
Well, in that case FF to Thursday...
Dang, I have this too as a retail version (this seems to happen surprisingly often with GOG's older releases). So, maybe I buy the GOG no-CD version at some point, from some promo.

Good thing about setting the release time one hour earlier. New GOG releases right after I come from lunch. I always hated waiting one hour after lunch for the GOG release news, here we call it "kitutunti", ie. the last hour (usually before you finish your work for the day) that seems to take ages.
Post edited September 11, 2012 by timppu